Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3679: Lingfu soil

This water entangling technique was of the profound level, and it was not very attractive to Xiao Yu, but he only understood it for a while and found the trick, but he didn't expect it to become a magic weapon for victory today.

The quagmire beast struggled in the distance. Although it was only one step away from the river, it was still entangled by the invisible water.

If it were at its peak, this little profound level spiritual technique would never be able to entangle it.

However, this quagmire behemoth obviously knew that he was trapped, and it began to roll violently.

Xiao Yu was not a careless person either. In order to avoid Ye Changmeng dreams, he slid over directly, blasting towards the giant mire beast with one punch.

Chong Xiao Fist!

The upper monster beasts and even Tong Lixing are entangled. If they don't have to kill them with all their strength, they will most likely be counterattacked.


The quagmire beasts turned into countless quagmire this time, scattered all over the place.

This time it was really killed.

At the moment of the explosion, it suddenly turned into a ray of light as if it broke through the ground, and then a mass of brown, muddy-like thing was suspended.

"What the hell?"

Even Xiao Yu was stunned. He thought that there would be something like spirituality, secrets, etc., but didn't expect it to be something similar to a quagmire?

Xiao Yu held it in his hand, soft, with a certain weight, very strange.

"I just said how this guy has such a peculiar ability, it turns out that it has absorbed this'spiritual floating soil'." Qinqi said.

"What kind of spiritual floating soil?"

"It is said that there is a mountain in the Nine Heavens World, which is replaced by Lingfu Mountain. The material of Lingfu Mountain is not ordinary ore, but a kind of soil containing the power of space. However, this power of space is not the power of the real law of space. It's something called gravity branched from the laws of space."


"Well, this kind of power is extremely rare in the world, because it is very difficult to understand the law of gravity."

Xiao Yu asked, "Is that spiritual floating soil the soil that contains the law of gravity?"

"Exactly. You attach your mind to it and see how it feels."

Xiao Yu recognized his consciousness with this spiritual floating soil, and immediately after that, the spiritual floating soil in his hand lost the slightest weight!

It is lighter than a feather!

Xiao Yu was holding the spiritual floating soil, but now he stretched out his hand, and the spiritual floating soil slowly floated down like a feather.

"You take a look at the reaction." Qiong Qi said.

Xiao Yu's thoughts moved again, and at this moment, a strange scene appeared. The spiritual floating earth that had been slowly falling down suddenly fell to the ground like a million catties of boulders in the next moment.


A big hole was smashed into the ground in an instant.

"Huh? This is gravity? It seems that it can be added."

Xiao Yu's consciousness urged, the spiritual floating soil that was originally on the big pit suddenly erupted with a loud noise. The big pit as large as ten meters just now collapsed directly, and it became as large as a hundred meters. The giant pit!

"What a heavy force!"

Xiao Yu was taken aback, and it was hard to imagine that such a small piece of soil as big as a slap could shock the ground with such terrifying power.

Could this be the failure of gravity?

Xiao Yu's thoughts moved again, and the spiritual floating earth fell into his hands, as if there was no weight.

And Xiao Yu stared at Lingfu Earth with piercing eyes.

Qiong Qi said: "This is the function of the spiritual floating soil. It is a kind of auxiliary treasure. You can attach it to yourself to assist yourself in your cultivation; you can also join the battle to slow down the enemy's speed, or even form a defense. It can also be used for refining tools and so on, and its preciousness is no less than a low-grade magic weapon."

Xiao Yu felt a little delighted, and said, "Although I haven't obtained those substantive treasures, it seems that this spiritual floating earth is not bad!"

And at this moment, a light flashed in the Lingfu Earth, and immediately submerged into Xiao Yu's body!

It's the kind of good fortune energy!

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded——

"Boy, hand over what you have!"


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