Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3685: Settle accounts in advance

When the three of them got inside the cave, they were stunned by everything in front of them.

"Impossible, this is impossible..."

With Li Haoguang's pale face, Gu Hong's expression was also extremely shocked.

In front of them, it was like a golden figure, and countless fluctuations flowed out from this figure.

When they were outside just now, they thought it was at least the aura of the Qing Dynasty Divine Palace, but they were wrong.

After they came in, they found out, what kind of Qing-Rank Divine Mansion is this, this is Jin-Rank Divine Mansion! !

What is the concept of Jinpin Shenfu?

That is the highest level, and it is also the rumored rank of the gods! !

It is Gu Xichun who is known as the first person in the lower court of Yunsheng Academy, and the rank of the gods is nothing more than the purple gods!

But it was seen that Xiao Yu was sitting cross-legged peacefully at this time. The golden light on his body not only gave Li Haoguang and the others a sense of vastness, but also gave them a solemn and tranquil posture.

Li Haoguang and Gu Hong have never been as shocked as they are today.

Even if you encounter the existence of the Purple Grade God's Mansion, it is only one in hundreds of millions of people!

Even they can't even awaken the Qing Pin Divine Mansion!

No wonder this guy can head-to-head with Tong Lixing!

It's no wonder that with the strength of the nine layers of the Tianfu Realm burst out, even the Divine Realm is not afraid!

No wonder he looked completely confident when he was outside!

It turns out that he is a golden **** mansion that is rumored to be produced by countless talents!

The rank of this kind of palace is in the early stage of the palace, and it can even be comparable to the later stage of the palace!

What's more, the feeling it gives them now is that Xiao Yu is in the late stage of assaulting the Divine Palace Realm! !

"Stop him!!"

"This is our last chance!!"

At this moment, Li Haoguang and Gu Hong's eyes changed from horror to evil, and the murderous intent on the two of them instantly rose, and even Lu Xiao was slightly moved.

"You... don't you..."

Li Haoguang took a step, and when he flipped his hand, there was an extra pill, and then he swallowed it in.

Gu Hong swallowed a pill in the same way, swallowing it without hesitation.


The aura of Li Haoguang and Gu Hong suddenly rose. Originally, they were both in the early stage of the Shenfu realm, but now they have become the middle stage of the Shenfu realm! !

"The swallowing of this spirit pill will make you regress in strength after the incident, or even risk of coma! You are crazy!!" Lu Xiao was taken aback.

Gu Honghan said: "It's only a period of time for the strength to fall back. As long as he can be killed, he will be unconscious!"

At this time, Xiao Yu was introverted, and a large part of his thoughts were above his own divine palace. He did not have much time to pay attention to the outside world.

Of course he knew that Li Haoguang and Gu Hong had arrived, and he also knew that in order to kill himself, he had swallowed this kind of spirit pill that could temporarily increase his strength, but his strength would definitely fall into the sequelae!

"Li Haoguang, Gu Hong, I didn't go looking for you, but you came here instead?"

Xiao Yu's voice seemed to sound from the entire cave, and Li Haoguang and Gu Hong's expressions were full of crazy murderous intent.

This is a dual purpose!

This kid actually knows this secret method!

Under normal circumstances, in cultivation, especially in this critical period, it is difficult to separate the mind, but Xiao Yu can do it!

How did they know that when Xiao Yu was at a lower plane, he had already tried the dual-purpose method.

This is due to his powerful soul and thoughts.

If there is no such willpower, he would have been in a madness.

In addition, even though there were interference from the outside world, Xiao Yu was able to get rid of these interferences because of the great Prajna Sutra he cultivated.

The golden light on his body is the protection given to him by the Great Prajna Sutra!

"Boy, we're going to make a break here today! Anyway, you must die!" Gu Hong said awe-inspiringly.

"Well, I wanted to ask you to settle the account after the assessment. Since you are self-investing in the net, today next year will be your anniversary!"


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