Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3687: Buddhism is beginning!

Gu Hong roared, and suddenly, when he flipped his hand, there was an extra high-grade spirit treasure!

This Lingbao was a treasured sword, with some silver light shining all over his body.

Before Gu Hong came, his family gave him a high-grade Lingbao as a sidecar.

This high-grade Lingbao was what Gu Hong planned to use at the last moment, but now it was forced by Xiao Yu to use it in advance.

Just now, his own mysterious spirit technique was destroyed, and if Gu Hong was still hiding it, it would be impossible to kill this person.


Gu Hong held knives in both hands, countless whirlwinds roared, and the sharp blade light illuminated the entire cave.

The sword is the courage of a hundred soldiers, and it has a brave momentum and attitude in it.

Those sword beams flashed out as huge as a hundred meters, but the moment that Gu Hong slashed and killed them, they were condensed into one piece and turned into a terrifying long blade, as if to cut Xiao Yu in half.

This volley, brought together Gu Hong's most peak battle.

"Boy, you have the golden light and indestructible body, I will kill you!!" Gu Hong roared.

Obviously, Gu Hong was really desperate.

Xiao Yu's heart shuddered, and the aura on his body was superimposed on top of each other like waves.

Yes, he is getting closer and closer in the late stage of the assault on the Divine Palace Realm, and is about to succeed. At this time, his mind is bound to be unable to separate more.

As for Gu Hong's battle, if the Magic Spear comes out again, it will not last long. This will not only not be able to buy time for himself, but will also cause unwarranted consumption.

"Boy, the two of us will go out and help you!" Qiong Qi immediately asked Ying to say.

"No need to!"

Xiao Yu firmly said: "After you two returned from the first battle in the Tengyuan Continent, although your strength has improved, they are not their opponents. If I can't resist this catastrophe, I am not qualified to break through in the late stage of the True God Palace!"

Qiongqi and Jin Wing Dapeng were a little moved.

They heard Xiao Yu's inner determination, and they knew even better that there was actually another way that Xiao Yu gave up.

But once you give up, your previous efforts will be in vain, and next time you don't know when you will be able to touch the threshold of the late Shenfu Realm.

This is extremely uneconomical. The most important thing is that based on their knowledge of Xiao Yu, this person would not do these things.

At this moment, the golden light on Xiao Yu's body began to expand again. At the same time, there was a feeling of chanting by thousands of people in these golden lights.

Countless large and small "swastikas" were floating around Xiao Yu.

"Buddha's light is beginning!"

A strange scene appeared, Xiao Yu was sitting cross-legged, but suddenly, a golden shadow sitting cross-legged with palms up, as if holding a giant cauldron.


Numerous golden lights began to flourish, and the majestic and quiet breath in the entire cave was simply overwhelming.

The first style of the Great Prajna Sutra, the Buddha's light is beginning to appear!

The three of them were all enveloped and swallowed by the golden light in front of them, and Gu Hong's pupils shrank, and his sword power was swallowed in an instant!



Gu Hong's face was pale, he was blown out by this golden light, and he was vomiting blood on the spot, causing serious injuries.

"How could it be..." Gu Hong's face didn't have the slightest blood.

What kind of spiritual magic is this, and why has such a terrifying ability! ?

Xiao Yu's heart was full of shock, is this the power of the Great Prajna Sutra!

The Buddha can overcome all difficulties, but can also kill thousands of miles!

This is the sacred law of Buddhism!


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