Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3688: The Buddha can cross people and kill people!

Since the Buddhism Sacred Law was passed on to Xiao Yu, it has almost invisibly exerted a similar restriction on Xiao Yu's mind, consciousness, and his behavior.

The so-called restriction is to keep Xiao Yu always calm and composed, and to minimize the impact of killing intent on his mind.

Before that, although the Great Prajna Sutra was only used to assist Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu did not mean to underestimate the Great Prajna Sutra.

But until just now, he finally knew how terrifying this great Prajna Sutra was.

"It's worthy of being one of the twenty-four dharma statues!"

"Buddha can cross people, and can kill people!!"

Some golden light flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes. At this moment, he was like a Buddha, very peaceful.

And he just comprehended the first form of the Great Prajna Sutra!

At this moment, layers of golden apertures on Xiao Yu's body were shaking and opening.


This buzzing sound seemed even bigger, and Xiao Yu's breath rose again.

"Li Haoguang, what are you doing in a daze! Come on! Otherwise he is about to break through!!" Gu Hong yelled when he saw it, and he immediately climbed up, his eyes flashing with **** sharp light.

"Xiao Yu, even if it ruins my foundation today, I will never die with you!!"

Gu Hong was naturally proud. After being hit by Xiao Yu many times and unable to kill Xiao Yu many times, the magic in his heart started to burn.

The pupils in his eyes, obviously because of hatred and anger, made his spirit come to the brink of cultivation.

Li Haoguang was startled, but he didn't expect that Gu Hong's anger had reached such a level!

But he also knew that he didn't have to be less intent on Xiao Yu to kill Gu Hong!

"Lu Xiao! Don't keep your hands!!"

Li Haoguang's eyes also flashed countless brilliant lights, and when he turned his hand, a spear appeared.

When it was said that it was too late, the spear in his hand suddenly flashed a silver light, and then it stabbed towards Xiao Yu.

The moment the silver light stabbed over, it turned into a silver white dragon!

It's a high-grade spirit weapon again!

Although this white dragon is not as mighty as the five-clawed golden dragon, it is also relatively slim, and is obviously a distant relative of the dragon clan.

But the kind of domineering, the indomitable way of cooperating with the spear also burst out Li Haoguang's entire body.

And Gu Hong pounced again, and after gathering the last of his body, he once again chopped his long swords.

Lu Xiao knew that since the two of them worked so hard, it proved that Xiao Yu was really terrifying, and she also displayed her strongest spiritual arts.

The three of them attacked at the same time, and this terrifying vigor directly exploded the cave.


The entire ground shook, and countless rubbles were shaken away because of the momentum fluctuations of the three.

The dozens of people in the distance were shocked when they saw this scene.

"Did you find that kid?"

"Is it impossible? So fast?"

"Come over and take a look! This is worth ten million yuan barley!"

Seeing that the three huge offensives were about to blast over, Xiao Yu's heart suddenly sank.

The Great Prajna Sutra is powerful, but his level of cultivation of the current Great Prajna Sutra is not enough to perform Buddhism moves one after another.

Moreover, the initial appearance of the Buddha's light just now consumes too much. To a certain extent, the appearance of the Buddha Fa just now was realized by Xiao Yu at the moment of danger, and it cannot continue for long.

Almost all the power in Xiao Yu's body could not be used.


All Xiao Yu's thoughts converged, and they all gathered in the divine palace! At the same time, all the golden light on Xiao Yu had disappeared! !

He wants to attack the late stage of the Divine Palace Realm wholeheartedly!

Li Haoguang's keen perception sensed this, and shouted: "Quick! Kill him with all his strength! He can't resist it anymore!!"


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