Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3689: Revenge for Framed (Part 1)

Li Haoguang knew that this was their only chance now!

At this time, all of Xiao Yu's mind was attacking at the late stage of the Divine Palace Realm. In other words, it was now his weakest moment of defense!

Li Haoguang's gun power, Gu Hong's sword power, and Lu Xiao's strongest spiritual attack.

The three offensives are overwhelming, and they believe that it is the real late stage of the Divine Palace Realm here, and the undead will also peel off.

Seeing that the three offensives were about to slash Xiao Yu, even Qiongqi and the Golden Wing Dapeng were completely stunned. Xiao Yu was risking his life!

And just at the moment of the moment, the golden light on Xiao Yu's body suddenly exploded.

At the same time, Xiao Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and the golden light suddenly flashed.

"Chongxiao Fist!!"

Xiao Yu roared in his heart and blasted out with one punch.


The sound of a dragon's roar suddenly resounded, and a dragon-shaped shadow seemed to come out of the abyss. The terrifying domineering aura was like a dragon that had been suppressed for a hundred years was about to leave.


The golden light flashed and moved.

Unstoppable power burst out from Xiao Yu's body, and the dragon-shaped phantom smashed Huanglong, directly smashing the offensive of these three people and sitting on them.

"Do not!!!"

The three of them were swallowed by golden light in an instant, and they were shrouded in golden light for a kilometer.

The ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and those who felt it were completely shocked by this scene.

After the golden light was annihilated, three figures lay on the ground.

Gu Hong was left with a sigh of relief, because he had suffered a lot of injuries just now, and Li Haoguang's blood vomited all over his clothes, extremely tragic, and Lu Xiao was in a state of serious injury.


A shadow walked towards Li Haoguang and Gu Hong step by step. When they saw this figure, the three souls and the six souls disappeared.

This person is not Xiao Yu and who is it.

Xiao Yu's whole body was agitated, and the spiritual power of the world around him seemed to be summoned by him, forming a kind of aura and oppression all over his body.

And this kind of momentum oppression turned out to be the late stage of the Divine Palace Realm!

He successfully broke through! !

Li Haoguang and Gu Hong were ashamed, while Lu Xiao was terrified.

Xiao Yu looked at Li Haoguang and Gu Hong with no emotion in his eyes.

"Since the day of my Lingquan Waterfall, you have become hostile to me, and even want to kill me later. I am a lower court who doesn't want to provoke anyone, but just wants to practice with peace of mind, but you, you have to Trouble with me, even designed to let those monsters kill me in Tengyuan Continent."

Gu Hong gritted his teeth. Although he was left with a sigh of relief, he still roared, "Xiao Yu, if you kill me, my family..."

Xiao Yu flicked his finger, and a golden light ejected out, directly submerging between Gu Hong's eyebrows.

Gu Hong's pupils dilated, his figure fell down, and his breath was gone.

Li Haoguang's face was pale and shocked: " dare to..."

Xiao Yu palmed his palm, and Li Haoguang's face was full of death panic.

"Xiao Yu! You can't kill us! If you kill us, our family will seek revenge from you!"

"Murder pays life, debt pays back."

Xiao Yu's emotionless voice rang out, and Li Haoguang's heart moved, and he was about to crush the jade slip, but he found that his consciousness seemed to be imprisoned.

He found that his soul consciousness, as if being invaded by something, was firmly restrained!

It's no wonder that Gu Hong couldn't escape just now. It turned out that Xiao Yu quietly released the branches of Tianmu and confined his soul!

how is this possible?


Xiao Yu slapped it down with a palm, and Li Haoguang was killed instantly.

Then Xiao Yu looked at Lu Xiao, who didn't even have the consciousness to resist.

"After you go out, if they have a family member looking for you, you just say that I killed them."

Lu Xiao nodded quickly. She saw that Xiao Yu's eyes were no longer that kind of jealous, but a kind of horror, and then she crushed and sent the jade slip out.

"The things on these two people must be very fat." Xiao Yu looked at the space ring on the fingers of Li Haoguang and Gu Hong.

After the space ring on Li Haoguang and Gu Hong was seized by Xiao Yu, they left immediately.

Those in the distance approached slowly, very surprised.

"Aren't these two children from the Li family and the Gu family? The family power of the two is not low!"

"My God! This kid is in trouble!"


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