Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3699: Water dragon dragon **** pattern!

Gu Xichun suddenly looked up, his eyes turned aqua blue, and behind him, a water dragon swept up suddenly, and then suddenly rushed towards Xiao Yu.

Gu Xichun’s 9th-Rank Divine Mark was really extraordinary. After another thought, he launched the next round of Divine Mark offensive. It has to be said that Gu Xichun’s control of the power of the Divine Mark has reached the end of a free mind. all.

This water dragon flood is extremely mighty, as large as a hundred meters.


There was a roar of the waterspout, and countless water mist shrouded it, and the offensive was not reached, but this kind of water mist actually enveloped the entire lake.

Vaguely, Xiao Yu could see a huge shadow with teeth and claws about to pounce on him.

"Boom boom boom!"

This huge shadow oscillated in this misty environment, and even directly divided the lake into two halves.

The water mark in the middle seemed to be cut off by a giant sword, and the sea water swept towards both sides. The simple offensive was enough to shock people.

"Didn't you say that I am nothing more than this? Then let you try, the power of my flood-changing dragon!" Gu Xichun's voice rang from under the surface of the lake.


A sound of dragon chants suddenly rang out, but before the shadows arrived, Xiao Yu was enveloped by a terrifying invisible sound wave.

With Xiao Yu as the center, the space oscillated, and at the same time, Xiao Yu seemed to be destroyed.

This is Long Yin!

All the faces on the shore changed drastically.

Gu Xichun was too powerful, and he was obviously irritated by Xiao Yu.

"This is the power of Gu Xichun's water dragon and flood **** pattern!"

"It's no wonder that he can activate the power of the water attribute, and he is actually the water dragon flood!"

The surface of the lake was completely misty, but they were still shocked by the huge black shadow and the sound of the dragon's roar.

The water dragon dragon **** pattern is a kind of water attribute of the branch five elements in the natural **** pattern, and it is recorded in detail in the "Nine Heavens God Pattern".

The reason why it is the water dragon is because it is said that before the dragon clan's close relative, the dragon, left its own blood in the sea before evolving, the sea has the bloodline power of the dragon.

And all the creatures in the world of nine days are in the embryonic state of the awakening of the **** pattern.

The **** pattern was originally blessed by the gods. Although this kind of **** pattern is not a real dragon bloodline, because it has the power of the dragon bloodline and blended into the water attribute, it becomes this ability to stir the sea.

This is the wonder of the Nine Heavens World, and it is also the reason why the power of the **** pattern is so strange and dotted.

The Seven-Star Sword looked a little tired under the extreme offensive that had just been launched, and it had been taken back by Xiao Yu.

"What a strong power of the **** pattern!" Xiao Yu took a deep breath.

To be honest, Fuji Yunyue’s 9th-Rank Divine Mark of the Earth-level He has only seen that kind of restraint ability, but at that time Fuji Yunyue's control of the Divine Mark was still immature, so Xiao Yu had never seen a real 9th-Rank God The power of the pattern.

But today's battle with Gu Xichun made him realize that this **** pattern that is close to the heavenly rank is indeed well-deserved.

But could this make Xiao Yu shrink back?

the answer is negative.

"Is it Water Dragon Jiao? Then I will show you the true shape!! See who is the real dragon bloodline!!"

Xiao Yu roared inwardly, and the spiritual power in the God's Mansion was urged frantically.

Spiritual power is the power of the dragon, but the power of the dragon is stronger than the spiritual power refined by itself!

Just because Xiao Yu is unleashing the power of the five-clawed golden dragon in his blood at this moment! !

"Break for me!! Roar!!!"


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