Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3702: Escape

In the center of the battle, Xiao Yu, who used the voice of the dragon's voice, was at a stalemate with Gu Xichun's arched water shield.

But this time, Xiao Yu didn't want to break Gu Xichun's 18 water curtains like the last round.

"Boy, are you just that capable?"

Gu Xichun was supported by both hands, and the arched water cover defended him like a golden bell, which could not be broken.

At this time, the vibration of Long Yin was being consumed continuously, and it was about to disappear.

"If you only have this ability, I will definitely take your life in the next round!" Gu Xichun said coldly.

In three rounds, he has used the power of the **** pattern for three rounds!

In the first two rounds, he hadn't killed this person who had only the late stage of Tianfu Realm!

For him, this is simply a shame in his life.

He swears that he must defeat this person, even kill him!

Otherwise, if it is spread out, his Gu Xichun's name will definitely be laughed at!

"I can't spend it with him here. The core of the mystery has been opened, and that's where there is great fortune."

Xiao Yu already had plans to retreat temporarily.

As soon as he thought, the branches of Tianmu quickly spread out.

Gu Xichun used the water of the entire lake to form an arched defense, and the mine flowers were like solitary weeds under the dry lake bottom.

The branches of Tianmu were already entwined with Thunder Flower, Xiao Yu's heart moved, and the Thunder Flower was included in the Space Ring by him.


Xiao Yu immediately cut off the transmission of Longyin's power, and when his thoughts moved, the golden light flashed and immediately retreated.

Gu Xichun had been defending, how could he have thought that Xiao Yu suddenly lost his breath.

The moment he reacted, Xiao Yu's breath was hundreds of meters away.

"Gu Xichun, I'll find you again in the coming day!"

Xiao Yu's voice came from a distance, and Gu Xichun waved his hand, and all the arched water defenses fell below the bottom of the lake, like a torrent pouring down from the sky, roaring.

Gu Xichun stood calmly on the surface of the lake, the surrounding water vapor gradually dissipated, and his eyes were staring at the front with murderous intent.

He did not pursue it because Gu Xichun knew that once he really used his strength, that person was not his opponent.

He was only surprised that there were people from Cangling Academy who could stand up to his own level.

"If you meet me in the future, I will kill you!"

Gu Xichun's face was expressionless, and the whole person recovered the tranquility of the sea.

Those who watched the game at Yunsheng Academy knew very well that if Gu Xichun really showed 100% of his strength, that kid would have died just now.

But in any case, the combat power displayed by Xiao Yu still impressed them.

Gu Xichun left, Qiu Guang and Pengxiu were still on the same spot.

"Pengxiu, what do you think?" Qiu Guang took a deep breath, his eyes seemed to have some thoughts.

Pengxiu pondered for a long while, and then nodded and smiled: "We just came in to find the son of Shura, and I didn't expect to meet such an interesting kid."

"Then do you think this person is the son of Shura we are looking for?" Qiu Guang asked.

"Is it important?"

Pengxiu smiled slightly, there was a gesture in his smile that everything was in his grasp.

"No matter what his identity, this person is our prey. If he is really the son of Shura, that would be even better."

Qiu Guang groaned: "If he is really the son of Shura, plus the cards he has just now, it would be a bit difficult to subdue him if he really bursts out."

How terrifying this once was the first family, the two of them had no reason not to know.

Especially the Shura **** pattern of the Shura tribe, as well as the killing power, even if they have the ability to reach the sky, they will be restrained in many places here. "

Pengxiu sneered: "The appearance of this kid was indeed unexpected, but we can kill people with the help of a knife!"


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