Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3703: Peng Xiu Qiu Guang appeared

After Gu Xichun and Xiao Yu battled, it was the first time that he felt such a big consumption.

Of course, this kind of consumption just took him three hours to meditate.

"Strange, how can I sense the power of a **** pattern in this person?" Although Gu Xichun's face was not turbulent, he recalled the battle several hours ago in his heart.

There is a sense among the awakened gods, and it is very easy for one's own earth-level ninth-rank gods to sense other gods that are lower than oneself.

And in his opinion, the nine-rank earth-level **** pattern is already considered a high-level **** pattern in the world of nine days.

Did that person hide the power and breath of the **** pattern?

In other words, is that person a heavenly **** pattern?

However, Gu Xichun immediately denied this idea.

He knew what a terrifying existence this heavenly **** pattern was.

Because the guys with the heavenly **** pattern are either the top geniuses of the five major temples or the world-class powerhouses of Nine Heavens.

"In any case, next time I meet, I can't keep my hands." Gu Xichun narrowed his eyes.

At this moment, Gu Xichun's expression flashed coldly.

"The two have secretly observed me for three hours. Do you want to keep hiding?"

Gu Xichun is located in a secluded bamboo forest, where it is most suitable for ambush.

But he didn't have the slightest fluctuation, enough to imagine how confident he was in his own strength.

"Hehe, you deserve to be the most talented person in this five great temple entrance exam. Your perception is that few people in the psychic realm can match you."

After a while, two figures emerged from the space.

What makes Gu Xichun feel strange is that the clothes of these two figures belong to their Yunsheng Academy!

The two of them were Qiu Guang and Peng Xiu.

Seeing these two people, Gu Xichun narrowed his eyes, and some murderous intent appeared on his face.

"You dare to kill our people from Yunsheng Academy?"

Qiu Guang said indifferently: "We just entered their bodies, and their souls were temporarily sealed by us."

When Gu Xichun heard this, her pupils shrank slightly.

Desperate! ?

He has heard that Shenpui is his second conscious life.

The spirit is immortal, and the flesh is immortal!

Gu Xichun knows that people who can gather spirits are very powerful, but how can such a person come in?

There is a space law restriction here!

But then, he thought of a question.

Since they are in the Divine Soul Realm, they have borrowed ordinary people's exorcism, and their strength realm must be oppressed.

No matter how incomplete here, this is the mystery of the gods!

Everyone who comes here needs to "obey" the laws here even if they have the ability to reach the sky.

But there is a problem here, the Soul Realm, this is not an ordinary realm, what are these two people doing?

Is it also for good luck?

The clever Gu Xichun immediately thought of a question, that is, how could they easily escape the conscious search of that supervisor?

The elders of Yunsheng Academy told him how powerful the supervisor that the five great temples invited was.

Are these two people going to die?

Countless questions surfaced in his mind.

"Boy, don't think so much. If we were to kill you, we would have done it a long time ago." Qiu Guang snorted coldly.

"Who are you? What is the purpose."

Qiu Guang said indifferently: "We all have our own names, but I prefer the name given to us by the outside world, Planar Hunter."


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