Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3715: Both sides are injured

The expressions of Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang changed greatly.

It's that they are so knowledgeable, but they are still shocked by this scene to the point where they can't be added.

This space is the remains of the secret realm of the gods, not the real nine-day world space outside.

In addition, there is the suppression of the power of law here, and at most it can only withstand the power of the psychic realm.

Beyond the psychic realm, the space here will be broken.

Don't think that this kind of space fragmentation is different from the external space fragmentation.

As long as the space is broken, the entire space of the wreckage of the gods will collapse, and then the jade slips will be invalidated, and everyone will be swallowed by the space turbulence! !

And they can't imagine that this level of power has almost reached the limit of the tolerance of this space!


The terrifying light wave shook out, and the four figures flew backwards one hundred meters away.

The space with a radius of one thousand meters is simply broken.

Of course, the space itself has the ability to repair, as long as it does not attack the limit of the space enchantment, the space will not collapse and can repair itself.

The cracks in the space are beginning to heal slowly, before turning into white marks, and then fully recovering.

First look at Ponxiu and the others.

The physical bodies of Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang were originally from the lower court of Yunsheng Academy. The physical cultivation of the two of them is only at the level of the early stage of the Divine Palace Realm. They are only attached to the spirit and cannot change their flesh Intensity.

Therefore, Qiu Guang and Pengxiu's internal organs were almost all injured, and they were very reluctant to even stand up.

But because they were spirits that entered the flesh of ordinary people, the powerful spirits made their consciousness almost undamaged.

Even an attack that reaches the level of a psychic realm is still impossible to kill them, but this flesh body is no longer able to withstand a large battle intensity.

And Gu Xichun is obviously not much better.

He had already urged the blow with all his strength just now, but he was shocked to the point where his internal organs were all injured.

At the same time, the power of the Shenwen transition urged, making him feel weak.

Look at Xiao Yu again.

Xiao Yu was also very sad at this time.

He was originally bound by this powerful secret method, and then forcibly broke the method of restraint, and had to resist Gu Xichun's strongest blow.

Xiao Yu had many fractures all over his body, and his internal organs were overwhelmed, half turned into a state of paste.

If it hadn't been for him to cultivate the dragon-suppressing pile, and finally fight with the power of the purple unicorn, he would be seriously injured if he was not dead in the previous blow.

Xiao Yu reluctantly started to fight, with blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were very cold.

The combined strength of the three almost killed him.

Only seeing Qiu Guang and Pengxiu flip their hands, each appeared a crimson pill, which exuded a very strong energy, and they swallowed it without saying a word.

After the spirit pills were swallowed, their aura returned to their peak again! At the same time, it has reached the level of psychic realm!

Gu Xichun couldn't help but moved slightly, he was indeed a plane hunter!

Their strength, realm, secrets, weapons, etc. are all greatly reduced under this rule, but the elixir in their hands will not be greatly reduced!

Of course, Gu Xichun knew that the spirit pill they swallowed was harmful to the body, and it was very likely that they would damage the foundation in their eyes, because the peak of the Tao was restored within a second or two, and even a breakthrough was made. The side effects are very serious.

In other words, if the spirits of Qiu Guang and Pengxiu left this flesh body for hundreds of years, the cultivation of the masters of these two flesh bodies will also stagnate.

According to Pengxiu and Qiu Guang, the consciousness of the masters of the two flesh bodies was suppressed by them.

And these two people are members of Yunsheng Academy.

But these Gu Xichun didn't care, he just wanted to kill the person in front of him!

Because he already felt a worry.

Qiu Guang sneered: "Boy, you are really amazing! You can actually force us to this level. It's a pity that this body is, but what power do you have? You might as well take it out all at once."

Peng Xiu's eyes flickered coldly, and he stared at Xiao Yu.

"If he is the son of Shura, in this situation, only the power of Shura or the power of the gods can be sure of victory."

This is the time to test each other!

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