Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3716: Rescued

Xiao Yu's face was expressionless, his heart was murderous, obviously, the power he could use was already very limited.

And in the depths of his blood, a mysterious **** power seemed to be awakening.

"Boy, don't!" Qiongqi was taken aback.

Xiao Yu is going to use the power of his blood!

Yes, the methods of these two plane hunters are too powerful, and the power of the purple unicorn is so powerful, but what you need to know is that Xiao Yu is facing three people!

Now that Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang have recovered their strength, they have reached the psychic realm!

With the three psychic realms, this is more than a deadly battle?

At this time, if you don't come up with a little substantive strength, you can't escape at all.

Now that he was in such a situation, Xiao Yu had never thought of fleeing, or even crushed the jade slip of space.

Qiu Guang and Pengxiu stared at Xiao Yu, and they vaguely looked forward to it.

"If this kid is moved by the power of his bloodline, he can be sure that he is the son of Shura!"

Qiu Guang sneered: "Boy, if you have any abilities, please use it as soon as possible. As long as you are in front of us, you can't escape."

In their eyes, as long as this spirit is immortal, their power is infinite!

This is what they rely on!

But at this moment, a clear breeze howled from a distance, and immediately swept over Xiao Yu, and immediately fleeed towards the distance.

"No! Stop him!" Peng Xiu yelled first to react.

The breath of this breeze is so familiar, there is actually a powerful natural attribute power in it.

But at this moment, another breath enveloped, a silver light fell from the sky and turned into a silver light curtain blocking the sight of the three.

The cyan shadow and the silver shadow moved one after the other, extremely fast, and they didn't give them any reaction speed at all.

Gu Xichun seemed to have thought of something, and his face changed.

"Stop them!"

He instantly turned into a blue light and rushed up.


But the silver light curtain blocking them was simply too powerful, and after the three of them smashed to pieces together, there was no trace of the shadow in front of them.

Gu Xichun's face was extremely ugly, and the cyan and silver shadows were too fast.

"Another **** pattern power? And who is that person, and that family member is here?" Qiu Guang stared at the front, and countless messages flashed through his mind.

The speed of the two is very fast, it is very difficult for them to catch up with the realm of strength at the moment.

"It's them, Lang Chi, Yanyue!" Gu Xichun's face was covered with frost.


On the hillside ten miles away.

A clear breeze blew, even if Xuan appeared two figures.

One of them has a delicate face, although he is not as handsome as Xiao Yu, but there is a soft breath on his body.

Then silver light swept over, the man had long silver hair, a graceful figure and a slender curve.

The two of them were Lang Chi and Yanyue.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, glanced at the two of them, and said, "How come you are together."

"We sensed the breath first, and then came in your direction. I didn't expect you to meet such a powerful person." Yanyue looked at Xiao Yu and said.

Except for Gu Xichun, even Yanyue felt very dangerous for the breath of the two.

"They are plane hunters." Xiao Yu said.

"what did you say?!"


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