Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3723: Meet Brother Dai Again (Part 2)

To be honest, the kind of aura on Senior Brother Dai's body is like a flood dragon who broke through from his family in the abyss, very vast and deep.

Yanyue and Langchi felt that they both frowned slightly.

Obviously, the strength of these five people was suppressed to the end of the peak of the Divine Palace Realm at the same time.

But this person named Dai Tianchen is the strongest.

It's like these people are all mountains of the same height, but Dai Tianchen's one is the heaviest.

Both Yanyue and Langchi knew that this person named Dai Tianchen was different from everyone they met. His background was really too strong.

Moreover, this Dai Tianchen seemed to be from the Cangling Academy, and the other party seemed to be having a holiday with Xiao Yu.

And there is no meaning in the words to release water.

"You deal with them." Xiao Yu stared at Dai Tianchen and said to Yanyue and Langchi.

Some grievances will be resolved sooner or later.

At that time, he slipped away under Dai Tianchen's hands. The latter did not pursue him. Obviously Dai Tianchen knew of this entrance, and he must have been waiting for the opportunity.

Yanyue and Langchi looked at each other and didn't say much.

They knew that Xiao Yu was a brave and courageous person, and his grievances would not let people interfere.

"Interesting." Wan Du narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene.

The people in each academy would release a little water at the last moment, but this Cangling Academy seemed to show no signs of releasing water, and was still killing each other like this.

However, Wan Du knew about Dai Tianchen's strength, and with him, it was impossible for this kid to break through.

Wan Du's gaze immediately fell on Yanyue and Langchi.

"It is rumored that the little witch Yanyue of Zifu Academy is good at strength, so let me deal with you instead."

Wan Du's eyes looked a little greedy when looking at Yanyue, Dai Tianchen said: "Ding Qi, you go to them."

Ding Qi nodded, and he was on Wandu's side.

Neither Yanyue nor Langchi are good stubborns, although their normal strength is stronger than Yanyue and Langchi, but they are not afraid of ten thousand and just in case, so they dare not be careless.


With an order from Wan Du, he was the first to pounce on Yanyue, and Ding Qi followed behind.

The other two people from Lingtian Academy rushed towards Langchi.


The two battle circles immediately fought, and powerful storms continued to sweep out.

This battle is between the top geniuses in the lower house!

Dai Tianchen's aura was constantly gathering, staring at Xiao Yu.

"Last time you ran away, I was thinking, even if you reach the core area and pass the assessment, I will definitely have the opportunity to teach you a lesson in the future. I didn't expect to meet here so soon. What do you say this is? "

Xiao Yu said indifferently, "Are you trying to say this is fate?"

Then Xiao Yu chuckled and said, "A dignified person in the upper house is actually jealous, but I am a little curious, who is the little sister in your mouth."

It was Dai Tianchen who dealt with Xiao Yu with this jealousy last time, and Xiao Yu was very disgusted.

This time, I didn't expect that this guy's hostility towards him had not weakened at all.

Dai Tianchen's eyes flashed a cold light, and said: "Do you think you are worthy? But it doesn't matter, I will let you have no chance."

As soon as the voice fell, Dai Tianchen struck him with a punch.


The special power and momentum from the main peak is more than several times stronger than last time!

"Today I will beat you to a dead dog and let you always look up at the upper house!"


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