Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3724: Fist

The air shook suddenly, Dai Tianchen attacked with this seemingly simple punch, with ease, lifting weights lightly, and suddenly burst under the ground, and countless ripples shook out.

With Dai Tianchen as the center, a cracked area of ​​several hundred meters shook out on the ground.

Dai Tianchen's fist didn't seem to contain too much flowery light and vigor in it, but the invisible vibration was on par with Gu Xichun.

In other words, Dai Tianchen's simple punch actually reached the level of psychic realm.

"Good job!"

Dai Tianchen, the upper house academy, is much stronger than the upper house people he encountered.

He was in the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm that day, and now that he had reached the late stage of the Divine Palace Realm, he had enough ability to contend.

"Purple Unicorn Arm!"

Xiao Yu shouted in his heart, held his five fingers, and the power of purple thunder rushed out, his entire arm was flashing with some purple thunder, and a wild and extremely domineering force was shaking out.

Xiao Yu's arm rose by three points against the storm, countless blue veins burst out, and the space seemed to be shaken into a distorted state, and then Xiao Yu hit Huanglong with one arm, directly rotated out, and touched Dai Tianchen's fist style. Together.

Of course Dai Tianchen felt the power of Xiao Yu's fist style.

Previously, Xiao Yu's urging fist was not enough to achieve this level, but this time, Dai Tianchen was also shaking slightly.


Of course, Dai Tianchen was always proud, and this offensive was not enough to make him truly jealous.


The two terrible fist styles collided, and the astonishing ripples swept away directly, and the space of hundreds of meters directly appeared white cracks!

The prototype of the space rift!

It was Wan Du who felt this scene and couldn't help but feel moved.

He asked himself that under the oppression of the law, even with a full blow, he couldn't shake the space out of this level!

The power of this fist was already comparable to the state where Xiao Yu used the last time Dianlongzhi and Dai Tianchen had touched each other.

At that time, Xiao Yu used the Dianlong Finger for the first time, and it also shocked a space crack.

And this time, it happened to verify Xiao Yu's improvement in strength.

The terrifying aura collided together, and a humming sound swept away directly.

All the mountains and forests with a radius of 800 meters were razed to the ground, and the whole ground was sunk three feet!

The movement here is terrible, Dai Tianchen didn't keep his hands when he came up.

And Xiao Yu also knew that Dai Tianchen insisted on weeding out himself, and of course he didn't hide too much.

After the collision, terrifying ripples swept over quickly, and Xiao Yu and Dai Tianchen quickly retreated.

But Dai Tianchen's face was a bit cold, because under the fist style just now, his fists were already a little bloody.

"Brother Dai!" Upon seeing Ding Qi over there, his pupils shrank.

Brother Dai's cultivation is among the top and top-notch among all the children of the five main peaks.

Although the punch just now was not Brother Dai's full strength, it was able to cause Brother Dai to be injured. One can imagine how powerful Xiao Yu's offensive is!

Look at Xiao Yu again, it's just that the clothes on his body are more wrinkled, and his aura is floating. It is nowhere near as bad as Dai Tianchen's injuries.

There was still some thunder light flashing on Xiao Yu's arm. He stared at Dai Tianchen and said, "Brother Dai, if you don't use your full strength, then it is not me who is eliminated, it is you."


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