Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3733: Revenge of Tong Lixing

Obviously, after Xiao Yu met Tong Lixing, his murderous intent also rose.

If it weren't for this guy, he wouldn't have been haunted by Li Haoguang and the others for so long under the river.

If they didn't solve them, how could Xiao Yu deserve his oath at that time?

"call out!"

Suddenly, the Jinshi flashing technique ran out violently, and Xiao Yu suddenly rushed out, and immediately evaded Tong Lixing's sword style.

At the same time, Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu also found Yanyue and Langchi respectively.

"Yanyue, I have heard of the name for a long time, but I didn't expect that we would be opponents today." Sima Kou looked at his eyes, his eyes narrowed.

Yanyue, like them, has a very large identity background.

They all entered the secret realm assessment without going through the study of the lower house.

"Sima Kou, you are not my opponent, give up, maybe you can still spy on good luck." Yanyue said calmly.

Sima Kou sneered and said, "Don't speak out!"

I have broken through to the psychic realm, Yanyue is just the peak of the late stage of the Divine Palace realm, actually said that I can beat myself?


Sima Kou didn't talk nonsense, he just launched an offensive.

Ju Wenfu and Lang Chi also fought against each other over there.


The battle of several geniuses immediately aroused this space.

Looking at Xiao Yu's side, after he avoided Tong Lixing's offensive, Tong Lixing followed like a tarsal maggot.

His Qingling Sword slashed past without hesitation.

The blue light suddenly flourished, and it seemed vaguely like a big bird. The sword light was as long as tens of meters, and it was cut over directly, as if even the space was going to be cut into a crack.

Tong Lixing's shot this time was obviously going to be a deadly move.

It was precisely because of this that Xiao Yu aroused even more powerful fighting intent and killing intent.

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled and he let out a violent cry in his heart.

"Zhenlong pile eleventh style, point the dragon!"

A golden light flashed, a powerful breath of power swept out, a huge dragon claw suddenly appeared, tearing the space, and suddenly the sword light towards Tong Lixing hardly shook the past.


When the two collided, the indestructible sword style was broken on the spot.

The huge dragon claw drove straight in with a howling sound, Tong Lixing's face changed.

Suddenly, he immediately cut a dozen swords.

"Keng Keng!"

Rao Shi Dianlong's point-like attack was powerful, and Tong Lixing was still cut into countless stars.

But even so, Tong Lixing saw Xiao Yu's strength.

"Tong Lixing, today is your death date!!"

Xiao Yu's eyes drenched, and his blood was completely mobilized. With a clenched fist, the terrifying physical strength cultivated by the dragon-suppressing pile suddenly condensed on his entire arm.

"Keng Keng!"

Xiao Yu's entire arm suddenly had some faint translucent golden scales condensed!

Although it was a translucent scale, the overbearing aura that spread out made Tong Lixing feel a little insignificant.


Xiao Yu roared, his eyes gushing out with golden light. At this moment, countless golden lights seemed to be rising.

Xiao Yu's intention to fight was obviously stimulated at this moment.

This time, the physical strength of the Dragon Scaling Pillar, under Xiao Yu's extreme urging, was like a wild orc.

"not good!"

Tong Lixing's face changed drastically. He knew that he had to make a full blow, otherwise he couldn't stop it at all!

"Wing Slash, Qing Ling Change!"


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