Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3734: Fist sword handover

Seeing the imposing power on Xiao Yu, he did not hesitate to believe that this punch of Xiao Yu had completely reached the power of the psychic realm!

Therefore, Tong Lixing can only use his strongest moves.

A green light and shadow suddenly cut through the world.

That is a big bird that **** its wings high.

The cyan bird was extremely mighty, and a very noble aura of monsters permeated the world.

The wings of this big blue bird suddenly skyrocketed to the size of several tens of meters, and immediately merged into one, turning into a wing-shaped sword blade as large as a hundred meters long.

This sword blade seemed to cut through the void, and then slashed directly towards Xiao Yu.

Tong Lixing's strongest sword attack came out, far surpassing the full blow of a strong man of the same level.

Obviously, all of his power was concentrated in this strongest sword style, and even Tong Lixing's face was full of confidence.

Yanyue, Lang Chi, Sima Kou, and Ju Wen's dead men looked up at the blue sword light at the same time, and all of them couldn't help but moved.

They knew that Tong Lixing's sword style was already beyond his own strength.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, and he greeted him with a punch without hesitation.

The translucent golden scales on his arm seemed to jump a little.

This is the tendency of the dragon-suppressing pile to transform into a dragon-shaped body under the limit of the power of urging the dragon's body.


In the void, there was a heavy roar.

Like a dragon, and like a tiger's roar.

With this punch of Xiao Yu, the power of the dragon was released heartily by him under the urging of the Dragon Squad.

The space seemed to be shaken up by Xiao Yu, because in between, some white lines appeared in the sky.

What you need to know is that within the core area, the oppression of the law here is stronger than the outside. It is very difficult to break the cracks in this space.

Unless it reaches the mid to late stage of the psychic realm.

However, Xiao Yu almost shattered the space.

One can imagine how terrifying the power of his punch.

If an ordinary person in the early stage of the psychic realm encounters Xiao Yu's punch, he would have already changed his color.

Looking at Sima Kou who also reached the early stage of the psychic realm, his face also slightly changed color.

However, Tong Lixing had the heart to kill, how could he be afraid.


The cyan winged long blade suddenly collided with Xiao Yu's fist, as if the great axe that opened the world was slashing on a huge mountain.

The long blade that seems to be able to split a large mountain seems to be Tong Lixing's concentration of strength.

Fist and sword handover, under normal circumstances, there is obviously no advantage with bare hands, but that is for ordinary people, and the person attacking with bare hands is Xiao Yu, one of the humans who uses the strongest physical power in the world.


Xiao Yu's legs directly stepped on the ground, and all the ground in a radius of 500 meters was cracked.

Xiao Yu actually resisted this blue sharp blade!

Tong Lixing's pupils shrank, and his eyes flashed with shock.

"how is this possible!?"

Even Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu were taken aback.

It is almost impossible for them to take the blow hard!

What's more, the opponent is still bare-handed! !

Even Yanyue and Langchi have also seen the horror of Xiao Yu's physical power.

"Break it for me!!"


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