Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3737: Two teams combined

Both Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang knew Yanyue's abilities too well, but at this moment, the two of them had just realized that there was a silver light flashing on Yanyue's body.

Immediately afterwards, a piece of silver light swept over, taking Xiao Yu and Lang Chi with them, and immediately fleeing towards the core depths.

Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang had just taken a step, and their figures had rushed out a few meters, but the speed of Yin Guang simply exceeded their imagination.

"Damn it!!" Qiu Guang's eyes wink.

The group could only watch Xiao Yu and the three of them at the end of the forest for hours.

"This girl was already prepared when she saw us." Peng Xiu said coldly.

Gu Xichun's face became more cold and gloomy.

He and Xiao Yu had only talked three times before, but this time it was the third time!

Once again, he felt like he was underestimated.

"Boy, don't be nervous, the core area is just this big, he can escape the end of the world, and he can't escape the cape, as long as he is inside, we can find him!" Qiu Guang sneered.

He seemed to find it more and more interesting, and when he encountered such a challenging prey, he thought it would be more fun.

Gu Xichun didn't say a word, and said coldly, "I hope you don't overturn the boat in the gutter."

Pengxiu said indifferently: "No matter how powerful they are, they are but three people, but we are different."

After all, he looked at Tong Lixing and the three of them.

Tong Lixing, Sima Kou, and Ju Wenfu frowned.

Gu Xichun also looked at Tong Lixing, and said coldly: "Tong Lixing, I didn't expect you to be such a waste, you can't kill him like this!"

Tong Lixing was furious and sneered: "Gu Xichun, do you really think you are still the first genius in the entrance exam? Now I am in a psychic realm just like you, so why should I be angry with me!?"

"For whatever reason, even if you are in the mid-psychic realm, I can kill you!" Gu Xichun's eyes were murderous.

Being escaped by Xiao Yu three times was already the greatest shame in his life.

Tong Lixing, such a bereaved dog, even told himself?

Tong Lixing laughed angrily: "I really think you can be invincible with the help of the **** pattern? Don't think that I am not your opponent if I am injured. You can try."

The Green Ling Sword in his hand glowed with a green glow, and the sword energy began to crisscross.

"Sima Kou, Ju Wenfu, you and I are in the same boat, the great good fortune is in front, you can't let them take it away!" Tong Lixing said in a deep voice.

Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu are certainly not stupid.

These two plane hunters entered right now, but they were also oppressed by the law.

Obviously, Gu Xichun has united with them.

They must also come for great luck!

The momentum of Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu kept rising.

In terms of card strength, Tong Lixing and Sima Kou are both psychic realms, and Ju Wenfu is the late peak of Shenfu realm.

If you really want to fight, even if Gu Xichun kills a thousand enemies, he will hurt himself by 800.

"Three, don't get angry. If you have something to say, say it well." Pengxiu stepped forward, not afraid of Tong Lixing's momentum.

Tong Lixing and the three stared at this man.

This person is almost like a dark creature under the ground. Although it seems that he only has the cultivation of the psychic realm, the deep feeling is simply not to be underestimated.

"We don't have much interest in the good fortune here, and you also know that we were born for tasks. In that case, why don't we unite?"


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