Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3738: Bullying

Tong Lixing and the others certainly couldn't unite with them just because of Pengxiu.

After all, they have come to this step too hard, if so, how can they let good fortune give up to others?

Most importantly, the plane hunters are notorious, and they are not relieved.

Pengxiu smiled faintly, flipped his hands, and even three long swords appeared in Xuan.

"Low grade magic weapon!!" Tong Lixing exclaimed.

Even at his level of talent, it is not so easy to obtain a low-grade magic weapon in his own family.

If they don't have enough strength and don't get the recognition of the family, they can't easily get the magic weapon.

However, this person took out three low-grade magic weapons at hand!

The three long swords are white all over, with a very agile breath in it.

Although this divine weapon was not an innate divine weapon, the rank and aura of the divine weapon were incomparable to Lingbao anyway.

"On good fortune, we are not rare at all. Even the great fortune is not used for us. After all, this secret realm is the second world space opened up by the **** before becoming a god, and it is still incomplete. Isn’t this for your hard work? These three magic weapons are for you."

After Pengxiu said, he just tossed it, and the three magic soldiers were in Tong Lixing's hands.

The three people took it, and they felt the kind of spirituality spread by the magical soldiers.

And still did not recognize the Lord! !

The three of them were just a little stunned, and they didn't seem to believe it was true.

"We have many magic weapons, but we don't need them in this secret territory. I don't have any other requirements. You can help us catch that kid, and you won't lose your share afterwards." Pengxiu said lightly. .

The three of Tong Lixing glanced at each other, but hesitated.

Qiu Guang sneered: "We want to kill you, can you still stay here? With the combination of the three of you, they are not their opponents at all. Now it is only us and them in it. We can only follow us."

Tong Lixing and the others are not stupid, how could they not know that Qiu Guang and the others are actually using their hands to subdue Xiao Yu and the others.

And these three magic weapons are just some sweetness.

But this is indeed a magic weapon!

How could they not be tempted?

Strictly speaking, both sides are for the benefit.

Gu Xichun said coldly: "A person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man. Although I am not afraid of that kid, he is our threat here."

"Good!" Tong Lixing nodded.

Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu squeezed the magic weapon in their hands and agreed.

Packing up to be determined, the group of people spins even toward the central core area.

Qiu Guang and Pengxiu followed behind.

Looking at the geniuses of the four and five great temples ahead, Qiu Guang sneered: "Isn't it just a group of people gathering together for profit, I didn't expect us to be with them."

Thinking of their demeanor outside, these people can't stand it anymore.

Pengxiu seemed calmer.

"Don't be careless, these guys may be our employers in the future."

These are the core children of some big families, and their future growth and future are limitless.

Qiu Guang once again looked at this core area, his eyes flickering.

"A place that even the boss is afraid of, I don't know what will happen?"

Pengxiu said calmly, "No matter what good fortune, if it is useful to us, we will accept it all."

"Of course." Qiu Guang said lightly.

And they completely forgot what they had just said to Gu Xichun and Tong Lixing.


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