Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3739: Go to the core area

The silver light disappeared, and Yanyue took Xiao Yu and Lang Chi to stay on a hidden towering tree.

After letting go of Xiao Yu and Lang Chi, Yanyue's breath was slightly rushed.

Just now while on the road, Xiao Yu felt the strange aura fluctuations radiating from Yanyue's body.

That kind of breath fluctuation was also very subtle, exactly the same as what Xiao Yu had sensed before.

And Yanyue seemed to have consumed some strength, so she seemed to be in a bad state.

Xiao Yu knew that this must have been caused by Yanyue using some kind of power.

After all, Yanyue's cultivation base was far less simple than the peak of the late Shenfu realm.

"You should recover first. Since they are for good luck, looking for me is secondary." Xiao Yu said.


Yanyue nodded, and then jumped onto the branches of the towering ancient trees, even though she was sitting cross-legged to meditate.

Xiao Yu and Lang Chi went above the tree canopy and looked around.

"If nothing happens, they are likely to unite." Langchi said.

Xiao Yu nodded.

According to the power on the bright side, Gu Xichun and the two plane hunters are the strongest, and Tong Lixing and the three of them are not their opponents.

And if Xiao Yu, Yanyue, and Langchi are truly real, they have the ability to compete with Gu Xichun.

In this way, if you don't count the hatred and grievances, for some good luck, the three of Xiao Yu and the others have enough strength to **** them.

In other words, Gu Xichun and the others wanted to kill themselves and prevent Xiao Yu and the others from gaining good fortune. The best way was for them to unite.

Lang Chi took a deep breath, and at this moment, a breeze suddenly blew around, and the breeze swept out and floated away.

Xiao Yu knew that Lang Chi was using his divine run power at this time to detect this core area.

After a long while, Lang Chi slowly opened his eyes.

Lang Chi looked far ahead, narrowed his eyes, and said, "There is still twenty miles away to reach the core area. There is also an enchantment there. My wind power cannot be powerful."

Xiao Yu was a little surprised.

One is because Langchi can actually urge the force of the wind attribute to detect a place twenty miles away!

The second reason is that there is actually an enchantment in this core area! ?

And even Longch can't get close.

And at this moment, all of a sudden, the surroundings began to become grayish, and then the line of sight became completely chaotic.

Looking at the sky again, the positive sky is gray and black. Although light can be cast in, it is as if the pale moonlight is reflected in the night.

The strangest thing is that they seem to have penetrated into a tomb filled with mist.

Xiao Yu became serious.

"This area has begun to change. It is very likely that we have already broken into the core area."

But at this moment, the soul calm tower in Xiao Yu's space ring unexpectedly began to vibrate again.

Xiao Yu was also looking far ahead, vaguely, there seemed to be an atmosphere that could swallow people.

"The induction is getting stronger and stronger." Xiao Yu secretly said in his heart, and he wanted to find out more and more.

After three hours, Yanyue also recovered to its peak state, as if he hadn't consumed it.

However, Xiao Yu's eyes when looking at Yanyue seemed to be more mysterious.

Yanyue glanced at Xiao Yu and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"No, I was just thinking, which eldest lady you must have sneaked out of." Xiao Yu smiled and joked.

Yanyue said indifferently, "If I were the eldest lady, then you must be the eldest master."

After Xiao Yu listened, something seemed to flash in the depths of his eyes.

Immediately he shrugged and said, "I don't have to work so hard anymore."

"Okay, let's go, be careful in everything."

Xiao Yu took the lead, and Lang Chi followed suit, and Yanyue's eyes looked at Xiao Yu, which was also more mysterious.


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