Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3743: Amazing

Gu Xichun shot out with a punch, and countless currents condensed into the shape of a water dragon in the heart of his fist.

The dragon is evolved from the snake.

The pythons are close relatives of the snakes, and of course they have some blood relationship with the dragons.

The only difference is that the bloodline of Jiaolong is obviously higher.

But don't forget that in this space debris, there is a blessing by law.

The blessing of this law was verified by Xiao Yu: no matter how strong the blood of the monster beast, there would be no suppression by the blood.

Therefore, when the Four-winged Snake saw the sea dragon that Gu Xichun condensed, it aroused its anger.

Countless ocean current fist styles, combined with Gu Xichun's powerful psychic realm, finally collided together.


Gu Xichun is the awakener of the gods, which is favored by the gods. In addition, the water dragon and the dragon gods are the alternative gods that the dragons have evolved and the blood drops in the sea. This makes his blood also have a unique war intent of a monster of.

The shock of terror swept away immediately, and Gu Xichun and his party were shaken back hundreds of meters on the spot.

And the four-winged snake was also directly shocked into the air, and it flew upside down for hundreds of meters to stabilize its figure.

Gu Xichun's eyes stunned. The punch just now was not his strongest strength, but it was also more than 80% of his strength.

However, his party was still strongly affected.

Tong Lixing, Sima Kou, and Ju Wenfu couldn't help taking a solemn look at Gu Xichun.

Gu Xichun's strength is in the early stage of the psychic realm, the same as Tong Lixing and Sima Kou.

But they were able to sense that Gu Xichun seemed to hide his true strength.

And even with the cultivation base in the early stage of the psychic realm, it is enough to compete with the later stage of the psychic realm.

This is Yunsheng Academy. Before entering the upper house, he can be judged among the top five talented geniuses of Yunsheng Academy!

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes.

"It seems that my guess is really good. If you follow the real cultivation base of the monster beast, the psychic realm cannot withstand its blow."

Yanyue and Langchi nodded slightly.

At the beginning they saw the monsters and beasts singing snakes, and they were also very surprised.

Demon beast! In the seventy-two great celestial planes of the Nine Heavens World, it can already be above the middle.

Moreover, this plane of wreckage is at best able to withstand the cultivation base of the psychic realm, so the cultivation base of the monster beast of the earth is useless here.


Ming Snake suddenly laughed wildly, and said, "I didn't expect it! When this **** space reappears, so many humans will come, presumably you are also the core children of the major families?"

"And there are also two plane hunters, is it possible that you want to get involved in the great good fortune there?" The four-winged snake grinned.

Great luck! ?

Gu Xichun, Tong Lixing, Sima Kou, and Ju Wenfu were all moved, and the eyes of several people were a little ecstatic.

This Naruto Snake actually knows that there is a great fortune here!

In other words, they really did not come in vain!

Even Xiao Yu had a look of joy in his eyes.

This four-winged snake must have been here for a long time, and it must be correct to say so.

But Xiao Yu had other thoughts in his mind.

"It looks like it is also coveting it. This great fortune must be extraordinary."

The people present are not stupid, they can hear from the three words of the snake, the good fortune inside must not be simple!


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