Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3744: Three-headed monster beast!

However, the murderous intent of the four-winged snake seemed to grow stronger.

"Ant humans, really think that this plane is broken and restricts my strength. Can you just break in? I tell you, if you want to covet the good fortune in it, pass our level first!" Four Wings Ming Snake said murderously.

At this moment, the Four Winged Snake roared: "What are you waiting for? Get out soon!!"

Only the sound of "rumbling" was heard, and the underground suddenly began to vibrate violently, and then a huge monster suddenly burst out.

This behemoth is full of purple-red, it is as long as tens of meters, and its hideous head is more like a snake head with fangs.

Its body is section by section, covered with long thorns like a worm, and its purple-red scales are glowing, extremely terrifying.

"Snake hook!!" Tong Lixing exclaimed.

"Demon Beast, ranked ninety-ninth!"

At the same time, everyone only felt a very hot breath rushing toward their faces, and a vigorous figure immediately rushed over, and everyone only felt that the heat wave hit people.

"The ninety-seventh place on the list, Fire Rat Beast!" Tong Lixing's face became pale.

The person who came was a four-legged monster beast. The whole body possessed a vigorous body. The most strange thing was that the four-legged monster beast actually had a tree head and some red flames were burning all over it.

It was Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang who were very knowledgeable when they saw the ninety-nine, ninety-eight, and ninety-seven monster beasts of these three rankings gathered together, and they felt their brows frowned.

Yes, the three-headed monster beast!

Although the ranking is not high, the energy gathered together is very scary.

Moreover, although the strength of the three is suppressed by the law, at least they have at least the level of their peak in the later stage of the psychic realm!

Gu Xichun frowned, and finally began to become serious.

The six of them are strong, but the three monster beasts are not even mortals.

"Good fellow, these three guys were actually caught in!" Jin Wing Dapeng looked a little bit natural.

In any case, these three are all ancient monsters, which are very rare in normal times.

Especially the single-type fierce beasts like the fire rat and the hooked snake are almost incompatible.

Hook Snake smiled, its purplish-red eyes looked a bit creepy.

"Hey, after the secret realm was opened, I couldn't think of it being so lively! And also two plane hunters slipped in!"

The fire rat's voice is hoarse and low, and the murderous intent is clear: "The ant humans want to encroach on the gods and gods, and they don't know the heights of the sky! We have been here for more than a thousand years and have not even found a way to crack it. Why do you?"

"There are also you two. The strength of you two is obviously not of this level. You are with this group of ants. It seems that your plane hunters have fallen a lot in the past millennia." The fire rat beast's ironic voice is extremely Rich.

Planar hunters have many years of history, and the people inside have changed from generation to generation, and the fresh blood is constantly changing.

And they are called the strongest generation in so many years.

Therefore, how could Pengxiu and Qiu Guang feel comfortable when they heard this?

Qiu Guang stepped forward and said coldly, "The mere ninety-seventh of the rankings, dare to speak out in front of us, if it is not for the pressure of the law, I can kill you with one hand! Fluorescent fire!"

Qiu Guang and Pengxiu are both high-level experts in the Nine Heavens World, but they are teased by the monsters who have been at the bottom of the list. The anger in their hearts can be imagined.


The Four Winged Snake laughed three times: "I don't know what purpose you are here for, but since you are here, then you can't help it! Swallow them!!"


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