Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3745: Fierce Hook Snake

The Four-winged Snake roared, and immediately rushed towards Pengxiu and the others.

"Thousands of death, go and deal with them!"

The Fire Rat Beast also roared, and didn't talk nonsense at all, it immediately followed the four-winged snake and pounced at the same time.

At the same time, Hook Snake stared at Xiao Yu and the others with a pair of purple eyes.


The hook snake roared and flicked its tail, and the numerous long thorns on its tail flew out on the spot.

"Toxic! Be careful!"

Xiao Yu clearly felt that these barbs on the hooked snake's body contained very strong toxins.

In the face of the dense thorns, the three of them used secret techniques to fight each other.

The power of Xiao Yu's thunder was condensed, and the domineering power of Ziqilin came out in turns.

"Boom boom boom!"

But what surprised him was that when his fist style touched these long thorns, the long thorns looked like a mud cow entering the sea, and they were somewhat infiltrating!

Although the speed was slow, it was actually devouring Xiao Yu's power offensive!


When Xiao Yu's thoughts moved, the purple light exploded, and then the poisonous thorns were scattered away.

Yanyue and Langchi obviously encountered the same problem. They were caught off guard at first, but they were not ordinary people after all, and they were resolved soon.

It looks like a small offensive, but if you take it lightly, you can easily be injured.

On the other side, the Fire Rat Beast burst into countless fires, and the Four Winged Snake also continuously released its powerful oppressive power, and the six people immediately fell into an uphill battle.

Xiao Yu didn't expect that the appearance of the three-headed monster beast would kill them midway, blocking their progress.

"Hehehe, the three little guys are still very interesting. I feel that your identities are not simple! I don't know how much my cultivation base can grow after eating you?"

The hook snake smiled underneath, and immediately after its huge body plunged into the ground.

"Boom boom boom!"


Feeling the vibration on the ground, Xiao Yu shouted, and the three immediately fled in three directions.

However, Xiao Yu discovered that the breath of the hooked snake was beneath his own ground.


Xiao Yu didn't intend to run away, his eyes drenched, and he stared at the surface that had been spreading and bulging towards him, and he shouted in his heart.

Purple Qilin's thunder-attribute physical power condensed on his arm, and then he jumped up, and immediately swooped into the ground with a punch.


Xiao Yu's entire figure was like a thunder light falling from the sky. When it hit the ground, the thunder light overflowed, and countless thunder covers a radius of 100 meters.

Immediately afterwards, a huge body of several tens of meters was directly shaken out, and the blood was thrown into the air.

The Basilisk screamed and fell heavily to the ground, wriggling.

The hideous snakehead roared: "Boy, you're looking for death!!"

When it was said that it was too late, the hook snake's tail swayed, and even if it had a huge hook, it was like a scorpion, very strange.

Then the hook snake flicked its tail, and its tail spread indefinitely, and connected to the hook and slammed towards Xiao Yu.

The icy cold light gleamed above the tip of the hook, and that kind of cold murderous intent could almost penetrate Xiao Yu's body.

Yanyue and Langchi moved slightly, and they immediately rushed to rescue them, but it seemed that it was too late.

"Naughty animal!!"

Xiao Yu yelled, and as the thunder light flashed, Xiao Yu actually caught it and rushed past!

Yanyue and Lang Chi were moved, what did Xiao Yu do?

He tried to grab the hook snake's attack weapon with his bare hands!


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