Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3746: Brutal physical power


The huge hook is almost bigger than Xiao Yu's body, but it was caught by Xiao Yu!

Yanyue and Langchi were immediately moved. Without certain physical abilities, it would be impossible to achieve Xiao Yu's level.

How powerful is this physical body to achieve this level?

Xiao Yu grabbed the huge hook with both hands, pulled the iron hook with a force of force, and moved the hook snake.

"Get up!!" Xiao Yu roared.

Countless lightning flashes, and the hook of the hook snake drove its physical body, and it was turned around by Xiao Yu.

One lap, two laps, three laps... faster and faster, the hook snake was thrown off by Xiao Yu.


The hook snake simply couldn't resist, and was thrown away severely on the spot, and fell heavily to the ground.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with astonishing thunder, and his figure rushed over, like thunder and lightning.

The hooked snake was about to get up, but Xiao Yu was bullying him.

Xiao Yu leaned over and punched, and the fist of thunder rolled, and a figure of a purple unicorn fell from the sky, suddenly falling down.


The so-called hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, Xiao Yu was facing the heart of the hooked snake, because there was the weakest place for the python monster beast.


The hook snake skin was thick and thick, but under Xiao Yu's thunder light fist, there was nowhere to hide, and countless blood burst out.


The hook snake was so painful that it sank several meters below the ground on the spot.

"Human!!! I want to kill you!!!"

The hook snake roared, struggling to get up, but how could Xiao Yu give it a chance.

Xiao Yu squeezed his fist, and the rolling thunder and lightning surged out, his whole body was flashing with domineering and rival thunder, and there were two flashes of thunder and lightning in his eyes.

"You have no chance!!"

Xiao Yu shouted coldly, and slammed his fist again.

"Boom boom!"

Xiao Yu's blood was completely burned, and his thunder fist blasted down, and a dozen fists blasted it out. The hook snake has the strength of the upper monster beast, and its defense is extremely strong, but a human being deceived it. There is no resistance at all.

After more than a dozen punches, the hooked snake was already covered in flesh and flesh, and it was all rotten, with a vaguely flesh-and-blood posture, where is the posture of the ancient monster beast?

Xiao Yu Lei Ting's arm immediately pierced through and directly penetrated the soul of the hooked snake, and then with a hand, a beast appeared!

Yes, other monsters may not follow the external laws, but the hook snake is the monster of the Nine Heavens World, and naturally it has a beast.


Xiao Yu put away the beast of the hooked snake, and immediately after that, a halo of energy was also put away by Xiao Yu.

That is the energy of the monster beast, the good fortune after killing it.

Yanyue and Langchi glanced at each other, their eyes were a little weird.

The Xiao Yu just now was simply too cruel in terms of power, and the hook snake had no resistance at all!

Of course, they also knew that Xiao Yu's consumption was definitely not low.

The hook snake was killed, the four-winged snake, and the fire rat beast were all shocked.

And of course Peng Xiu and others felt the movement here, and all of them frowned. They didn't expect Xiao Yu to solve it so quickly.


With a roar of the four-winged snake, the offensive became more violent, and the fire rat beast was also soaring into the sky. Gu Xichun and others suddenly felt the pressure increased.

"let's go."

Xiao Yu called out and walked forward first.

Yanyue and Langchi also knew that this was a good opportunity, and the three of them soon left the battlefield.


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