Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3750: Psychic Realm!

Time didn't know how long it had passed, and Xiao Yu was only seen floating in the flowing green energy.


At this moment, Xiao Yu's eyebrows were suddenly filled with strange fluctuations.

All the life energy in the entire space entered Xiao Yu's body at a crazy speed.

In front of Xiao Yu, Yanyue and Langchi seemed to have woken up a long time ago. When they saw what happened to Xiao Yu, they were shocked.

They looked around, and countless life energy, as if being summoned, swarmed towards Xiao Yu's body.

Those who didn't know thought that Xiao Yu's physical body was a huge whirlpool.

"Huh? What a pure breath of life." Yanyue stared at Xiao Yu somewhat strangely.

I saw that Xiao Yu glowed with a strange green light, the green light was like a jade, crystal clear, even Xiao Yu's entire face was like a crown jade, filled with an amazing layer. Splendid.

That kind of face like a crown jade, handsome posture, like a natural gift, is simply the magic of nature's most ghostly father.

That's the face that women fall in love with when they see it, and men feel ashamed when they see it!

That's why Yanyue and Langchi can't help but feel moved no matter how good the concentration is.

Yes, this is Xiao Yu's innate life spirit body at work.

When Xiao Yu was on the lower planes, his physical body had undergone the transformation of the spiritual wood core, and his bones and blood vessels were in a spiritual state.

Now when encountering this ancient life energy, his life spirit body is almost like training me, greedily absorbing all the energy here.

Strictly speaking, life energy is not exhausted, because as long as the world is not destroyed, life will always exist.

But now this kind of life spirit body seems to be helping Xiao Yu's own life energy.

The soft and vast power kept pouring into Xiao Yu's body.

Even Xiao Yu's skin was full of countless radiance.

After another ten minutes, Xiao Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

His body suddenly shook, and a green light flourished, but the sights around Xiao Yu were clear.

"Finally at the psychic realm!" Xiao Yu was overjoyed.

The days of absorbing life energy here might be another level of comprehension of life power, which made Xiao Yu have another contact with the spiritual power between heaven and earth.

The psychic realm was originally such a transitional realm of the spiritual power of the world.

If you want to reach this state, the sense of heaven and earth spiritual power is that you can feel the heaven and earth spiritual power at your side anytime and anywhere.

Therefore, a strong person in the psychic realm can quickly and extensively transform heaven and earth spiritual power.

Of course, because the psychic realm is a transitional realm, the divine palace still exists.

The existence of Shenfu is to prepare for the consolidation of fetal origin in the future.

The fetal element is the most rudimentary state of the soul.

In the words of Qiongqi and the others, as long as the realm is reached and realized, then entering the psychic realm is just a matter of course.

"Now that I'm in the psychic realm, if I meet them again, I don't need to run away!" Xiao Yu diffracted that kind of self-confidence.

At this time, Xiao Yu discovered that Yanyue and Langchi were floating in front of him, looking at Xiao Yu strangely.

"Um, you guys came out so soon again." Xiao Yu was ashamed.

"It's not that we came out so quickly, but you have absorbed it for two weeks." Langchi said silently.

"Two weeks?"

Xiao Yu got up immediately, and suddenly, he found that there seemed to be some changes in this space.

"Lost energy?"

Yanyue said: "Let's go out soon, here is going to wither."


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