Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3751: The last core place

The three of them quickly came out of this ancient tree space. The ancient tree soon withered, withered, and soon turned into dead branches and leaves all over the ground.

Such a tree of life withered like this, because the life energy inside was absorbed by them.

And Xiao Yu's mind was in the scroll just now.

The scroll is still lying quietly in the ring of his space, without any changes.

But how could this scroll be in this kind of life energy?

Xiao Yu shook his mind, looked at Yanyue and the others apologetically, and said, "Sorry, you have to wait for me for so long."

"It doesn't matter, they can't move forward either." Langchi said.

"They?" Xiao Yu frowned. Did Yanyue meet Gu Xichun and the others?

Yanyue said: "We have been full after absorbing this tree for three days, but I sensed that there was some fighting aura in other places. It was Gu Xichun and the others who also encountered some good fortune."

"The core area is so big, there should be more than one place for good fortune," Xiao Yu said in a deep voice, "what did you mean by saying they couldn't move forward?"

"There should be an enchantment about to open in the core area, Gu Xichun and the others were all blocked outside."

"It shouldn't be too late. We will pass now while the barrier hasn't opened yet," Lang Chi said.

The three of them quickly reached the core area.

This is already the most central area, and the sky is still dark, as if walking on Huangquan Road.

In the front, some faint light flickered, like a light guiding people forward, but also like a firework attracting the pounce.

The pitch black area in front is like a bottomless pit.

Consciousness can't detect the past, spiritual force can't detect the past, even any wind and grass can't get close to the range of ten meters.

After the three of them called, even if Xuan saw a place not far away, there were several powerful auras.

These several auras have the cultivation base of the psychic realm, and the terrifying aura covers a radius of hundreds of meters.

These people are surprisingly headed by Gu Xichun, Peng Xiu, and Qiu Guang, and the six of Tong Lixing, Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu.

Obviously, in two weeks, a group of six people have wandered through this area and gained a lot of good luck.

Even Ju Wenfu, which had the lowest strength, had reached the psychic realm, not to mention Gu Xichun.

Xiao Yu's eyes met with Gu Xichun. It can be said that, except for Sima Kou, who had the least grievance with Xiao Yu, the five of them looked at Xiao Yu with different murderous intent.

The positions where the two sides stood were actually not far away, but Gu Xichun and the others did not intend to do anything. The reason was simple, because as soon as they came here, Xiao Yu's power was completely suppressed.

Yes, it was suppressed by this law, so that Xiao Yu couldn't spur any power at all.

It seems that what they are facing is only the pitch black in front, like a black hole.

Gu Xichun's eyes flickered coldly, and said, "Xiao Yu, I didn't expect you to be dead."

"You are not dead, how could I die so quickly?" Xiao Yu said lightly.

Qiu Guang sneered: "I really am a Xiaoqiang who can't be killed. I didn't expect to break through to the psychic realm after half a month."

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered. It was these two guys whose breath was the most dangerous.

"It's a pity, no matter how powerful you are, in this space, you also have to abide by the rules here." Xiao Yu said coldly.

The murderous expressions in the eyes of Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang rose.


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