Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3753: Unknown steps

When the people present saw the scene in the video, they suddenly started talking.

"Sure enough! Xiao Yu, Yanyue, and Langchi are united!"

"There are more people on Gu Xichun's side! Tong Lixing, Sima Kou, Ju Wenfu, Huh? Those two people are also from Yunsheng Academy?"

At this moment, the venue instantly became lively.

The elders of Yunsheng College frowned.

Someone said just now that the person next to Gu Xichun was wearing Yunsheng Academy clothes, but his strength was at the level of a psychic realm.

"It's them!" Qian Hao of Chenyuan College stared at the two people in the light curtain, gritted his teeth with hatred.

The faces of the two who came out with him were also ugly.

And the people in the lower court who were eliminated from Yunsheng Academy suddenly became puzzled.

"Aren't those two Liu Yuan and Le Peng? They are just the early stages of the Shenfu Realm cultivation base, right? Have they reached this point?"

Liu Yuan and Le Peng in their mouths naturally refer to Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang.

But looking at Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang, it seemed that they were not headed by Gu Xichun.

"It's hard to say, maybe they have some chance!"

"That is, there are so many opportunities in the secret realm that some people may be jealous."

"Yeah, the skills are not as good as people, what can I complain about."

The Yunsheng Academy sneered and sneered, and Chenyuan Academy suddenly became angry.

Qian Hao's face turned green and red.

The elder of Chenyuan Academy coldly snorted: "Who gets the final good fortune in the end, it is not certain!"

The elder of Yunsheng College had a calm face, but didn't say anything.

Three people in his college entered the secret realm, and he was naturally happy.

But the middle-aged beggar has another mindset in his mind.

"It's weird, how can there be that kind of breath in this mysterious realm of gods?" The middle-aged Jiaohua didn't have that kind of joke on his face, and he secretly began to suspect.


The road to the stone bridge has been prepared, and now it is waiting for them to step on.

Gu Xichun groaned for a long while, the **** pattern spurred, and there was a faintly reduced version of sea dragon glue around him, and then Gu Xichun took the first step.

When Tong Lixing saw this, he also followed, and then Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu followed him.

If you don't count the two plane hunters who sneaked in, there are at least four of them, and there is nothing they can do to unite.

The so-called disaster and blessing depend on, if you want to obtain great fortune, it is impossible to easily obtain without the courage.

Xiao Yu and Yanyue, Lang Chi and the two of them looked at each other, and the three of them also began to walk forward.

The three of them stepped on the stone bridge, and immediately felt a heavy feeling.

But obviously, both Xiao Yu and Gu Xichun were cautious and did not accelerate.

Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang had no intention of moving.

"Qiu Guang, do you remember what the boss said?" Peng Xiu had been groaning, staring at the stone bridge, and finally said.

Qiu Guang took a deep breath, nodded, and solemnly said: "This wreckage space, the boss has already touched, but because the unique law is too powerful, the boss can't take it away."

Pengxiu nodded and said, "Well, the point is, I remember the boss said that this remains of the deity is not an ordinary deity, but a demon repairing deity, that is, a demon god!"


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