Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3759: Endless

Xue Fei roared again, and behind it again crazily surging out of dense monster corpses.

But this time, the corpses of these monster beasts were even larger, and the half-orcs who stood upright as if they were giants were even more terrifying.

If the corpses of the monster beasts in the first round were just appetizers, then the monster beasts in this round can be said to be the backbone of the monster beast army.

"Let's go together!!" Gu Xichun clearly knew that it would be difficult to completely kill these monsters with his own power.

"You stop these monsters, I will kill them!"

Gu Xichun rushed over again, and Tong Lixing and others behind him immediately rushed over.

Xiao Yu, Yanyue and Lang Chi glanced at each other, and the three of them also rushed up.

The corpses of these monster beasts are overwhelming, and they are simply endless.

Now is not the time for individuals to perform, but to unite, it is possible to cross this stone bridge together.

And they didn't seem to notice that the width of the stone bridge became even bigger as they kept moving forward, just like a road.

In other words, it is relatively less crowded and concentrated, and everyone has their own circle.

But in this way, naturally the corpses of the monster beasts will appear more and more.

Obviously, Xue Fei also knew how powerful Gu Xichun was, and was the first to attack Gu Xichun, while Xiao Yu and others faced the monster corpses that reminded them to be even larger.

"Boom boom boom!"

The horrible wave once again passed on, and the power of these monster corpses was obviously greater and more difficult to deal with.

It was Yanyue, Lang Chi, Tong Lixing and other people, all of them beginning to feel a little strenuous.

After Xiao Yu's purple unicorn arm blasted a half-orc and monster, he unknowingly, with his powerful body, he had reached a distance of less than 100 meters from Gu Xichun.

Everyone at least faced the attacks of several monster beasts, and after killing these monster beasts, the people behind would immediately rush over.

On the other side of Gu Xichun, facing the **** scorpion, Gu Xichun did not keep his hands. After fighting for a stick of incense, the **** scorpion also suffered more injuries.

But this **** scorpion was obviously also provoked.


The **** light skyrocketed, and the **** stature rose by three points against the storm, and it was as large as a hundred meters.

Although the width of the stone bridge has increased to three hundred meters, the pure **** figure already occupies one-third of it.

Gu Xichun's face was cold, the endless sea water surged out, and the sea dragon glue churned up, and the blood was impacting.

In addition to the long horns on the top of the head, the **** tail is also a powerful means of attack.

The so-called five tails are formed by connecting five tails with one tail, and every time they strike, they can consume half of the power of Gu Xichun's offensive.

"Too much!"

After Xiao Yu broke several monster beasts with one fist, he also felt a kind of numbness from his arm.

"Boy, the monster corpses on this stone bridge are endless, do you remember where Yunpeng Island is?" Qinqi said.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, of course he remembered.

When it was time for the final assessment on Yunpeng Island, there were countless corpses there!

The bones in the mountains and plains make people feel numb in the scalp.

And these monsters are the same, countless corpses have been piled up on the ground, and some of them have fallen out of the abyss beyond the stone bridge, and have not yet been counted.

But even so, it seemed even more gloomy under this dim night, where only the moon was shrouded in the sky.

"Catch the thief first, capture the king, these monsters are afraid of blood, you have to control it! Even kill it!"


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