Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3760: You chase me

Xiao Yu's heart moved, and he stared at the **** ferociously.

He noticed that because of the appearance of the **** monsters, this wave of monsters appeared, and the madness in them seemed to have become more violent.

"The rank of 狰 is not high. For all the two rankings, it is because of extreme conditions that it will mutate into blood 狰. This place must be unusual. If I guess correctly, it is very likely that this place will be on the battlefield. The battle between the gods and demons is a bit related. This led to the mutation of the blood ferocious, and the mutation of these monsters." Qiongqi said analysis.

Xiao Yu nodded secretly.

Under normal circumstances, the evolution of monsters is very difficult, just like the purple fox family.

And the appearance of blood stubbornness must be unreasonable.

The only way now is to control it first!

Xiao Yu's eyes shrank, although his eyes fell on the **** scorpion, he also glanced at Gu Xichun at the same time.

"Are you the first genius of the entrance exam? Let me show you my skills!!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with an astonishing purple-black light, and the Buddha Tower in his mind began to condense, the four-story Buddha Tower!


"There is a ferocious here!"

"This should be bloody, right? It is said that it is possible to mutate in extreme environments! Is this really a secret realm of gods?"

"It's terrible! The monster beasts in this round are better than the previous ones! See if they have begun to struggle a little."

Outside the barrier, many people's expressions became more tense.

But for Gu Xichun to be alone, the group of Yunsheng College felt proud of it.

Because this is the first person in the lower house of their Yunsheng Academy, and even the first genius of the five major seminaries!

"Gu Xichun must have gained some good fortune, and his strength may have reached the middle or even late stage of the psychic realm. Although the **** is ranked 70th, with Gu Xichun's background, if it really breaks out, it can also kill the bloody. "The elder of Yunsheng College said proudly.

"On the contrary, it's the kid who said that he can fight Gu Xichun. It's just nonsense." The elder of Yunsheng College mocked and said without shy.

The people at Cangling Academy frowned slightly, staring at Xiao Yu on the light curtain.

Especially Dai Tianchen, although his eyes were calm, the look in Xiao Yu's eyes was a little different.

Although he and Xiao Yu have some brilliance, but now they put the reputation and status of the academy first.

"Persevere like this, as long as the **** monsters don't kill, these monsters will definitely be endless." The elder of Chenyuan College said solemnly.

Guan Hong snorted coldly, "Isn't that kid Gu Xichun very good? Why didn't he solve the **** stubbornness quickly?"

The elder of Yunsheng College said indifferently: "Didn't you see that Gu Xichun is blocking the blood for everyone? He is buying time for everyone, and soon he will take action."

"Huh? What is he doing?" Ding Qi suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Yu's body immediately, and some purple-black energy in Xiao Yu's body was burning as if it were materialized.

Seeing this scene, Dai Tianchen's eyes flashed with a sharp glow, even Ding Qi exclaimed.

"It's the secret technique!!"

The huge purple-black armor figure that Xiao Yu had transformed into their minds suddenly appeared in the two people's minds, defeating Dai Tianchen's Great Spirit God Sword offensive.

"Look! What is that!"

Someone exclaimed again, and the middle-aged man stared at the huge shadow, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"This kid is really not easy! The Buddha Tower is actually on him?"


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