Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3761: The buddha wars **** scorpion!


However, a purple-black light was swept out of Xiao Yu's body, and an aura of darkness and destruction enveloped hundreds of meters in a radius.

The four-story materialization of the Buddha Tower is immediately condensed.


Xiao Yu's whole body was filled with a purple-black energy light, which made Xiao Yu look like a purple-black light person.

What you need to know is that Xiao Yu is now in the early stage of the psychic realm, and the power of the buddha tower he used naturally increased with his awareness.

The people present felt this very strange breath, and their expressions were moved.

They are immediately looking at the flashpoint of power.

"Xiao Yu!"

Yanyue and Langchi were a little surprised, especially the former, their brows suddenly frowned upon sensing this breath.

"This breath..."

Even Gu Xichun couldn't help but look back. When he saw the energy aura erupting from Xiao Yu who was a hundred meters away from him, he was moved.

"What a powerful force!"

Tong Lixing, Sima Kou, and Ju Wenfu all changed their faces.

At the same time, with a loud bang, Xiao Yu turned into a purple-black armor figure as large as a hundred meters.


This hundred-meter-large figure is like a **** who destroys the sky and the earth, and the purple-black armor on his body shows a symbol of destructive power.

Especially the pair of deep eyes, just like human eyes, filled with a kind of divine might.

"What secret technique is this!?"

Gu Xichun and others were shocked.

When it was said that it was too late and it was fast, as soon as the Phantasy Armor appeared, a kind of jealousy appeared in the pupils of all the monsters.

Yes, although the corpses of these monster beasts did not know why they became like this, they could still feel this kind of power aura that made them feel terrified in the face of power.

Especially the **** monster, he roared even more after seeing this huge Buddha magic armor.

Countless blood light condensed on the huge horns on top of its head and shot towards Xiao Yu without hesitation.

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and he smashed it out with one punch.

The purple-black fist slammed into the past with a deep and clear line.


The space immediately became distorted, and Xiao Yu's punch was hitting the **** laser on the spot.


Countless light waves oscillated and opened, and the entire stone bridge was enveloped by this light wave.


All the corpses of the monster beasts instantly turned into powder!

However, Gu Xichun and others' complexions changed wildly, and immediately used magical powers to resolve these light patterns.

That's the case, under the offensive of the Buddha Magic Armor and the **** monster, it still made them suffer a little bit.

However, the material of the stone bridge is very different. Under such a collision, even traces of cracks are not left.

But Xiao Yu's purple fist obviously began to dim.

"Break it for me!"


With a shock and explosion, the power of the Buddha suddenly condensed, and the beam of light was suddenly shattered by Xiao Yu. The entire space began to falter, and the magic armor of the Buddha was blasted back a hundred meters away.

Gu Xichun and others had already pushed a few hundred meters away and watched this scene in shock.

Obviously, Bloody was not good enough, and was shocked and flew out on the spot.


With a roar of blood, countless corpses of monster beasts behind it rushed over again frantically. The target was amazingly Fantawild!


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