Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3763: Decapitate

On the other side of the stone bridge, Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang were getting farther and farther away from the battle circle in front of them, but the fighting aura that passed from the battle circle still made them frown.

After all, they have reached a distance of one kilometer away, and the stone bridge has sealed the loop. They can only wait here.

For these dangers, Ponxiu had the prophetic knowledge, so when they sensed the fighting aura, the two of them were also fortunate not to step inside.

Otherwise, with their current strength, the result would be the same as Gu Xichun and the others.

And half an hour later, the movement suddenly became even greater, and they sensed the aura of an ancient beast.

And after another half an hour, a very strange light shone in the distance.

"Dark power?" Peng Xiu was cross-legged in meditation, but in the next instant, his eyes suddenly opened, staring at the front.

Qiu Guang also sensed this kind of power aura.

After all, they have a natural keen sense of this kind of power.

Although the strength of the two was restricted in the secret realm, it did not prevent the loss of their sensory abilities.

However, they were too far away from the battlefield, and they could not detect the specific situation.

"Will it be that kid again?" Qiu Guang pondered for a long while and said.

The power of darkness is impossible among Gu Xichun's people. The only thing they think of is the young man who has been shocking them.

Pengxiu narrowed his eyes and said, "I don't know. But this kid gives me a familiar feeling."

Qiu Guang was a little anxious, and said: "It's no way for us to go on like this. If he smashes the jade slip of space, wouldn't we come for nothing?"

They did not set foot on the stone bridge for their own safety.

Although this is an insurance approach, in this way, their task cannot be completed.

Can they just wait here?

Of course the two of good fortune inside are also coveted, not to mention there are tasks in them?

"No, I used the method of'moving flowers and trees' on those boys." Peng Xiu said lightly.

Qiu Guang's heart moved and he laughed: "A second!"

"Wait quietly first. If they rush past, it will save our strength. When the time comes, we will wait for work. Isn't it under our control?"


Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and the sword of the Buddha once again slayed the past, and the root of the **** tail was directly cut off.

At the same time, the terrifying purple light blade suddenly took away dozens of corpses of monster beasts.

Then, Xiao Yu's knife that had gathered all the power of the Buddha suddenly slashed the **** head.

Countless blood flowed in the same place, and the **** scorpion who had shown great power just now was finally beheaded and killed.

The pupils of Tong Lixing, Sima Kou, and Ju Wenfu shrank, and Xiao Yu had his head beheaded by Xiao Yu!

Gu Xichun's face was extremely gloomy, and even if he saw the presence of the Buddha's Magic Armor, he was shocked.

The corpses all over the ground, the blood all over the ground, the **** figure crashed to the ground, a burst of energy swept out, and it was immediately absorbed by Xiao Yu.

At the same time, with Xiao Yu's hand, the **** beast was also absorbed into his body.

Those god-killing eyes scanned the corpses of these monsters, and Xiao Yu, who was holding the sword of the Buddha, stood there, how dare these monster corpses come here?

Finally, the corpses of these monster beasts slowly backed away, and fled back like a flee.

Xiao Yu also breathed a sigh of relief. Just now it could be said that he was urging the power of the Buddha to the extreme, and the Buddha Tower became illusory again.

When he moved his mind, it turned into its original form.


Xiao Yu looked back at Gu Xichun who was a hundred meters away, with a cold look in his eyes.

Then Xiao Yu didn't dare to stay for a moment, greeted Yanyue and Langchi, and immediately used the Jinshi Flash technique to skim forward.

Yanyue and Langchi followed closely, but Xiao Yu's figure seemed to grow taller in their hearts.

Of course, Gu Xichun's expression was very ugly, Xiao Yu's look just now was enough to provoke him.

The limelight must have been robbed by Xiao Yu, but this is not the time for personal grievances.

"Let's leave now!" Tong Lixing immediately followed, and Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu did not dare to neglect.

Gu Xichun's eyes were cold, vaguely, that kind of murderous intent seemed to be brewing.


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