Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3764: Cross the stone bridge

No one could imagine that the huge purple armor figure that Xiao Yu had transformed had killed the **** scorpion in this way.

That's the seventieth monster beast on the list!

Outside the secret realm, the group took a breath.

The eyes of the people in the upper courtyard of Cangling Academy suddenly became wonderful, and they sneered at the people of Yunsheng Academy: "Who said nonsense just now? Gu Xichun is nothing more than that, right?"

Even Dai Tianchen was shocked by Xiao Yu's hand just now.

He didn't seem to have thought that Xiao Yu could actually be comparable to Gu Xichun's existence.

The faces of the people at Yunsheng Academy were already flushed, but they were always proud. After all, they had enough pride for Cangling Academy.

"Didn't you see that Gu Xichun didn't try his best? If he did his best, how could that kid be his opponent?"

"Yes, who won't grab the limelight? Gu Xichun is not this kind of person, let alone, he is not a long-term solution after all."

The people at Yunsheng College responded with a sneer.

Suddenly a kid popped up, saying that he could fight Tong Lixing and even Gu Xichun. To be honest, they didn't want to believe it.

Even if they saw the scene in the light and shadow, they still felt very incredible.

Obviously an unknown boy, how could he become comparable to the first genius of these five major temples in one fell swoop?

If it weren't for some sideways, would there be such a cultivation base?

Cangling Academy gave a cold snort, and did not continue to refute.

To be honest, others don't know the details of Xiao Yu, but they listened too much.

It is indeed hard to imagine that a low-level person who has come up with great power has done so many earth-shattering things before going to the upper court.

Those who go to the hospital are indeed eager to try and want to challenge this young man.

However, even the existence of Dai Tianchen has been brushed out. Is this unusual?

Or to put it this way, what magical place is there in this person, or is there really other power assistance?

"Don't think about it so much, in the end, you will know who will be the winner." Dai Tianchen said calmly.

This time in the upper house, he led the team, and his strength, even among the five major temples participating in the assessment, was the strongest.

Although Xiao Yu did make him admire many times, Dai Tianchen still believed that the assessment had not reached the final step and everything was still unknown.

It is growing old, and the shock and doubt in my heart cannot be too many.

He was optimistic about Xiao Yu, but he also thought about one thing he had suspected about Xiao Yu before, and that was what secret was in Xiao Yu, and would he endanger the safety of the Academy?

After all, Xiao Yu's talent was indeed terrifying. The methods on his body are almost always in an endless state.

As for the moment, in any case, Xiao Yu not only represented himself, but also represented Cangling Academy.

The only thing he worried about now was the danger in the secret realm.

"If it is really like the legend, I hope you encounter something wrong and come out immediately." There was some prayer in the growing old heart.

The other elders were also thinking of this kind of question in their hearts.

After all, behind the stone bridge, perhaps it is hiding this greater danger.


After the **** monster was killed and the monster corpse ran back, Xiao Yu took the lead. In less than a few minutes, following the fading traces of the monster corpse, he crossed the stone bridge.

After crossing the stone bridge, Xiao Yu's pupils shrank slightly.

"this is……"


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