Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3780: Consumption and recovery

Xiao Yu took a big breath, and the surrounding heaven and earth spirit power merged into his body at a crazy speed.

This is the secret realm of the gods, and the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth is not much thinner than the floating continent outside.

On the contrary, although this hall was full of power to cultivate magic, it did not affect Xiao Yu and the others' absorption of heaven and earth spiritual power.

Under the constant use of magical powers to resist this kind of oppression, it also needs to be continuously supplied.

In a state of stability and adaptation to this oppression, it is also necessary to maintain full strength.

Otherwise, if you go to a higher level, the required power must be even more crazy.

Xiao Yu's stubbornness was turned into a frenzy by him.

The Dragon Clan's method of vomiting and nag can be ranked first in the world.

Long Tun Qi is a method of breathing that is based on the flesh of the dragon clan. Xiao Yu had gone through so much painful cultivation and adaptation before he was able to do so with ease.

Even if it is now swallowing three times, the degree of tolerance to the flesh is very large.

There were countless tiny golden whirlpools around Xiao Yu, greedily absorbing the spiritual power of the world.

The expressions of Gu Xichun and others changed one after another.

"What a strong method of vomiting!" Several people were shocked.

The method of vomiting is the fundamental and the method of cultivation. It is the treasure of a power and family.

The children of big families like Gu Xichun did not practice the academy's method of tuna.

Because their family's method of vomiting is not worse than that of the college.

But when Rao was a big family like Yanyue and Gu Xichun, he still felt shocked when he sensed Xiao Yu's vomiting method.

It was vast, overbearing, even with a kind of ancient, Xiao Yu was there, like a huge abyss.

"Damn! What is the background of this kid!?" Tong Lixing gritted his teeth with hatred.

When a person's power base reaches that level, it can be sensed from the power base when he shoots.

Obviously they had guessed that Xiao Yu's palace rank was at least the Qing-Rank God's palace, and possibly even the Purple-Rank God's palace!

This kind of gods rank is only comparable to Gu Xichun!

This is enough to show that this person's background is not simple!

And how do they know that in the five-clawed golden dragon, only adults dare to use it like this.

Nine swallows with one gas, six swallows with one gas, three swallows with one gas, one swallow with one gas!

If they knew that in the early stage of the psychic realm, Xiao Yu would dare to compete with the advanced cultivation methods of the Dragon Race adult body, it would definitely be shocked and impossible to add.

Therefore, under Xiao Yu's frantic operation and swallowing three times, in just ten minutes, Xiao Yu's palace was still flooded with a kind of golden ocean.

His power was filled up again and turned into a full state.

Even if he was urging the dragon-suppressing stakes now, it would be consumed, but the spiritual power obtained from Xiao Yu's refining obviously exceeded his consumption speed. In this way, the power in Xiao Yu's body was still in a full state.

Upon sensing this scene that happened to Xiao Yu, the four of them felt like they were absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

Half an hour passed again, and it was already more than an hour on the fifth step.

At this moment, Gu Xichun's eyes drenched, and he suddenly had a powerful breath of water attribute swept out of him. His whole person was surrounded by a waterspout, and his sea dragon glue was also sweeping, as if It's the same as escorting Gu Xichun.

Gu Xichun stepped up a step again.

Yanyue, Langchi, and Tong Lixing frowned, and Gu Xichun actually wanted to lead them again.

And just here, the same overbearing aura swept out.

A shadow also moved.

"Xiao Yu!?"


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