Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3781: Step out at the same time

Yes, this time, it was Xiao Yu who stepped onto the footsteps at the same time as Gu Xichun!

"This kid, can't you be a ghost?"

"Is it brave?"

Gu Xichun was the first to step out a fact that almost everyone expected, but who could imagine that Xiao Yu actually lifted his foot at the moment Gu Xichun raised his foot!

"What will be the result this time?"

Many people are staring at the light curtain nervously, even the leader elders of the five major temples are dignified.

Since there are eight steps and eight guards, it is naturally that the pressure of the higher steps will be more severe.

The fifth step has stayed for an hour, so is the sixth step?

How great is the oppression?

Will anyone not stick to it?

The footsteps of Gu Xichun and Xiao Yu almost simultaneously reached the sixth step.


The guard above the sixth ladder suddenly opened his eyes. This time, the invisible light curtain seemed to have a grayish white color, as if the strange atmosphere outside the hall, first landed on Gu Xichun and Xiao Yu's body.

This kind of oppression seemed to be the demon aura, but it was the demon cultivation aura that Xiao Yu encountered was dozens of times stronger than that of Wei Jia Gan's!

As soon as Xiao Yu and Gu Xichun set foot on them, the terrifying oppression seemed to settle down like a mountain, and both of them were crumbling.

Yanyue, Langchi and Tong Lixing all watched this scene, their expressions changed drastically.

The two of them only took a step, supported on one foot, but for hundreds of years, the impact made them feel at least ten times the same!

Yes, the first few steps are only several times the degree at most, but now, they are even crazier.

Gu Xichun's expression suddenly changed, and it was obvious that the pressure of the sixth step made him a little overwhelmed.

After this torrential momentum was suppressed, Gu Xichun barely stabilized his figure.

Gu Xichun's peripheral vision saw that Xiao Yu also stabilized his figure at the same moment. The two of them faced each other, their eyes were murderous and awe-inspiring, and their fierce auras collided in the air, sparking an invisible spark.

The two looked at each other, their attention returned to themselves, and then they took another foot again, and then they stood on the sixth step.

The golden light flashed on Xiao Yu's body, and the power of the dragon seemed to spontaneously greeted this kind of oppression, and the oppression of these gray magic ways was quickly weakened.

The sea-blue tornado on Gu Xichun's body still swept up, although it was offset a lot at the beginning, but with his deep heritage, he still resisted.

After a few minutes, the silver light on Yanyue's body swept out, covering her like a light mask, and Yanyue successfully ascended the sixth step.

Then there is Langchi.

Instead, Tong Lixing was the last one to stay on the fifth step.

Seeing all four of them stepped on, even Xiao Yu, the person he most looked at, also stepped on, which made him extremely unwilling.

Tong Lixing roared, holding a long sword directly, cutting a crack towards the sky.

During the aura of oppression, he was split into two halves on the spot, like a separated river. Tong Lixing's expression was happy, and he immediately stepped on the sixth step.

But when his feet just stood firm, at this moment, the terrifying pressure bombarded him again.

Tong Lixing has a kind of shaky feeling!

"not good!"


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