Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3787: The death of Tong Lixing

At this time, on the entire platform, the scene where everyone was killed by Tong Lixing was shocked.

Guan Hong was trembling all over with his eyes cracking.

The most talented member of Lingtian College's lower house was just beheaded and cut in half! !

The entire Ling Tian Academy turned pale.

Lingtian Academy is only a little weaker than Yunsheng Academy!

No matter how bad Tong Lixing was, his strength was only one level worse than Gu Xichun, but who would have thought that Tong Lixing would be killed like this!

The people in the several colleges present were all moved.

They had seen clearly in the light curtain just now, Tong Lixing had been forced out of the power to use his blood.

Under such a powerful sword style, Tong Lixing has no advantage!

Let’s look at Xiao Yu’s fighting method just now. Under the condition of being trapped by the dragon rope, he can actually break away from Tong Lixing’s ideas with his super physical strength, and then cast the purple-black color on the stone bridge. Energy kills Tong Lixing.

All this is reminiscent of the scene where Xiao Yu played against Tong Lixing at the beginning.

In fact, Xiao Yu's attitude towards Tong Lixing at that time, even Tong Lixing did not have the upper hand at the beginning, and was tied, is this a sign?

Perhaps what they can't believe is more of this person named Xiao Yu, who is it?

The key is that this person is from Cangling Academy!

Even the children of big families like Sima Kou and Ju Wen Mansion have been forced to enter the third and fourth steps. This person is even better than Sima Kou and Ju Wen Mansion! !

People in Lingtian Academy naturally knew how powerful Tong Lixing's sword style was.

Tong Lixing hit Xiao Yu's sword force with a full blow, but the result was still broken Tong Lixing's sword style, and the offensive penetrated Tong Lixing's body.

Naturally, the one who was most hit at this time was the leader Guan Hong of Lingtian Academy.

Guan Hong stared at growing old and said angrily: "Chengchuan!!"

Cheng Chuan is still a grown-up name. To be honest, Cheng Chuan seems to be somewhat unresponsive at this time.

This is the case, including everyone present, Xiao Yu can kill Tong Lixing! This is incredible!

But Xiao Yu really did it!

Cheng Chuan's heart was both surprised and gratified, because their Cangling Academy had such an amazing seed!

No wonder Chu Dongmen and Bu Yun both like this kid so much!

This is not without reason!

While feeling shocked, Chengchuan naturally felt a kind of pride.

Of course soon, Guan Hong's roar sounded on the entire platform.

After all, the genius student of his academy was killed, no one could sit still, but Guan Hong's face was disgusting, especially the upper yard of Cangling Academy, even more disgusting.

Cheng Chuan just stared coldly, and didn't speak.

Guan Hong's face became more and more flushed. Of course, he knew how small he was when he said this sentence.

But he just couldn't swallow this bad breath.

Instead, the three elders of Yunsheng College, Zifu College, and Chenyuan College looked at Guan Hong as if they were in the theater.

Guan Hong clenched his fist tightly and looked at the back on the light curtain, his face grew even more stern.

"Tong Lixing was killed, that kid is terrible!"

"It's no wonder he has such a temper, but this is too small, right? Don't come if you can't lose."

"That is, the people who come in for the assessment have expected this kind of danger. Who makes Tong Li's skills inferior to others!"

Many students from other academies were whispering and discussing in private, but how strong Guan Hong was, how could he not hear it, he suddenly shouted, "Shut up!!"


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