Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3788: Guan Hong's murderous intention

The whole audience was full of Guan Hong's roar, and the children who were just discussing immediately did not dare to speak, looking at the angry Guan Hong in horror.

However, this made the elders of the three colleges of Yunsheng College, Chenyuan College and Zifu College, and Chengchuan even more despise Guan Hong.

And at this moment, a calm voice sounded--

"Life and death have fate and wealth in heaven, why demand too much? The dead are gone, and the living are like this."

The person who spoke impressively was called the middle-aged man.

When he opened his mouth like this, a magical solemn aura was enveloped, and Guan Hong felt a calmness unconsciously.

But even so, it still couldn't conceal the anger in his heart.

Even the invigilator said so, what else can Guan Hong say?

After all, you have to know that the only way to enter inside is that there will definitely be many personal grievances to be resolved.

And when outside, it was obvious that Xiao Yu was already in conflict with Tong Lixing.

Everyone knew that Tong Lixing would definitely be the one who took the initiative to trouble Xiao Yu, and even took the initiative to kill Xiao Yu!

Entering it, everything is beyond their control, and no one can be blamed.

In fact, the middle-aged beggar has already given the stage to Guan Hong.

"Chengchuan, I won't stop here!!" Guan Hong stared at Cheng Chuan, and said in a deep voice.

In the face of everyone, Guan Hong dared to say such threatening words. It is conceivable that Guan Hong was really angry.

Even Guan Hong looked at the shadow on the light curtain at this time, and some murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

As for the middle-aged beggar, even though he seems to be calm on the surface, he is also very surprised in his heart.

"It seems that the Buddha Pagoda has been used very well in his hands. This kid's adventure does not seem easy!" The middle-aged calligraphy was silent in his heart.

For the secrets of Xiao Yu, the middle-aged beggars have a lot of interest.

Then he suddenly thought of those two people, and secretly surprised--

"Are they here for the Buddha Pagoda?"

"No, I really want to come, nor are these two people coming."

Unknowingly, the middle-aged beautician seemed to be more and more interested in Xiao Yu's life experience.


At this moment, on the other side of the stone bridge, Peng Xiu suddenly opened his eyes, and some of the light flashed in his eyes.

And Qiu Guang seemed to sense something, and looked at Peng Xiu at each other.

"It's this dark power again, and one person died." Qiu Guang pondered for a long while.

They had sensed this kind of dark power just now, but they didn't expect it to be even bigger now.

And one person died!

"Peng Xiu, do we want to go in now?" Qiu Guang asked.

Peng Xiu's eyes had some profound meaning, and said: "Don't worry, they should be a little away from good fortune, and I seem to be more and more interested in that kid."

"You mean that this kind of power came from that kid?" Qiu Guang was a little surprised.

"It should be him. I have felt the breath of those little guys. Except for that girl is from the Demon Cultivation family, no one else has this kind of power. Only that kid makes me unable to see. Said.

Qiu Guang was even more surprised, but immediately his eyes were dazzling.

"It doesn't matter if he is the son of Shura or not, or his talent is extraordinary, it's just the secret of him, and it's enough for us to explore." Peng Xiu said that he was calm and gentle, but his eyes were somewhat murderous. .

"Just see what these little guys can make."


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