Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3789: The four are walking together again!

Above the sixth step, at this time Xiao Yu, Gu Xichun and other four people were all standing on this step, and the time had passed by unconsciously.

This kind of demon cultivation aura was so terrifying that the four of them seemed to stay longer this time.

But all four of them looked towards the upper steps, and there were only two steps left.

The steps are not high, so they can see the ninth step, which is above the platform.

There was nothing on the ninth platform, and no guards suppressed it. There was only a faint light on it, which looked plain and ordinary.

But since the consciousness of that **** allowed them to pass these eight steps, then the greatest good fortune must be on this ninth platform!

Not long afterwards, finally, Gu Xichun raised his foot again!

It's Gu Xichun again!

It seems that he realized that there are many people on the same platform as himself, and Gu Xichun does not want to fall behind at all.

The second person who stepped onto the stage was Yanyue and then Langchi.

And Xiao Yu didn't step out at the same time as Gu Xichun this time, but Gu Xichun and the others seemed to be able to feel that Xiao Yu seemed to be gaining momentum again.

And on the seventh step, when Lang Chi stood up, a blue gust of wind swept across Lang Chi suddenly.


But this gust of wind was defeated in an instant, and Lang Chi's figure was a little shaken.

Immediately afterwards, Lang Chi's body saw some green light flickering.

God pattern power!

At this moment, Lang Chi finally mobilized all the power of the wind attribute **** pattern, forming a wind shield on his body surface.

But Lang Chi's brows were deeply frowned.

It took a while before he managed to stabilize his figure.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu secretly said in his heart: "It seems that Langchi has also begun to show fatigue."

Looking at Gu Xichun, she is tall and straight, like a pine tree.

And Yanyue was just frowning in Liu's eyebrows, and a light shield formed by silver light shrouded her body, resisting these powerful oppressions.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and stepped on again.


Xiao Yu could only rely on the persistence of the dragon's power to stand firm on the seventh step.

But Xiao Yu, who stood on the seventh step, was no longer as relaxed as before, and that explosive power was obviously much weaker.

The golden light on his body is obviously much dim.

It is not unreasonable that the so-called rushing, then failing, and exhausting.

Xiao Yu connected the two steps on the previous steps in one breath, and fighting with Tong Lixing again, Xiao Yu certainly consumed more on the trumpet than the others.

Had it not been for him to possess the huge divine palace container of the Golden Grade Divine Mansion, Xiao Yu would have been exhausted a long time ago.

But Rao was so, and it still made Xiao Yu choking.

Even if it is the current one-off, it makes Xiao Yu a little overwhelmed.

However, Xiao Yu's eyes were very firm, and good fortune was within reach. If he came to shrink now, then I am sorry for myself, and I am sorry for the hard work along the way.

"Four people are standing up again!"

"Even Xiao Yu also stood up, his cultivation is too deep, right?"

"If nothing happens, someone will stay on the seventh step."

Everyone discussed again, but they were more surprised by Xiao Yu's persistence.

After all, to kill Tong Lixing and at the same time resist the oppression on the sixth step, what a terrible consumption is this?

But this person is still standing firmly on the seventh step!

"It seems that there will be two people here who can't hold on at first." The elder of Yunsheng College said.


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