Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3799: The strongest pair (part one)

The faces of the elders of Yunsheng Academy and all the students were frozen.

Others showed a shocking color.

With such a powerful offensive from Gu Xichun, Xiao Yu could actually break Gu Xichun's **** pattern skills!

This is really incredible!

I thought that Gu Xichun had the chance to win, but he still lost.

"Hehe, Ziqilin! This is a legend how many years ago." The middle-aged beautician smiled faintly, and his smile was full of wonder.

He is the only person who can sense the aura of the entire assessment secret realm. Naturally, he was shocked by this extremely pure power of thunder.

Especially, this is still used on a human body.

"There is such a genius in the world."


Seeing that his powerful offensive was broken, even if Gu Xichun had a good temperament, he couldn't help but feel moved.

"I didn't expect you to hide this hand! What kind of beast are you!?" Gu Xichun asked in a deep voice.

Gu Xichun was born in a big family, so he is naturally knowledgeable, especially since he was trained by the family, so there are few monsters he doesn't know.

But when Xiao Yu showed the purple unicorn for the first time, he felt the fear of his own water dragon flood.

It's just that the fear was suppressed secretly by myself, and it didn't show up.

He knows that his **** pattern contains a little blood power of the dragon race. Even if the blood is not pure enough, the difference is tens of thousands of miles, but what can make the water dragon flood feel the fear is at least the top 20 in the ranking The monster!

The point is that he hasn't seen it yet!

"Hehe, my sacred beast may not be on the top of the list, even if I tell you, how do you know?" Xiao Yu laughed.

Gu Xichun's face was even more ugly.

"Is it really?"

Gu Xichun sneered, and the murderous voice in his smile became even crazier.

"If this is the case, then I will abolish you mythical beast!!"

In an instant, Gu Xichun changed his body and turned into a hundred meters huge water dragon.

This water dragon dragon was suspended in the air, with pupils in his eyes, and his murderous intent was astonishing. Then he leaped directly towards Xiao Yu.

"Water Dragon Change!!"

Gu Xichun roared again, as if the entire hall was crumbling, he gathered all the power of the gods on his body, and then transformed into the appearance of a water dragon dragon!

Gu Xichun seemed to be fighting desperately, trying to harm Xiao Yu with the power of the strongest **** pattern.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed and he shook his hand, only to see that his arm suddenly swelled in a circle, and countless blue veins began to burst out.

Purple unicorn arm!

Above Xiao Yu's fist, countless powers of thunder began to flash out, and Xiao Yu's figure turned into a thunder light and rushed out.

His hand was as heavy as a kilo, dragged by him and rushed towards Gu Xichun.

"Fluorescent Fire! Death!!"

The water dragon dragon who had been transformed by Gu Xichun grinned, his tail swinging, and the violent power began to prance out.

"Is this kid Xiao Yu crazy?"

"Huh! It's like a worm shaking the tree! Is he trying to use manpower to resist the power of the gods? Dreaming!"

Many people were shocked by Xiao Yu's move.

In any case, facing Gu Xichun's divine mark with a full blow, Xiao Yu actually had to fight with his body? Still rushing toward the place where the power is the most concentrated, this is no longer reckless, this is simply death!

"Xiao Yu!?" Cheng Chuan looked worried.

And the only face

A bunch of people in Cangling Academy just stared at the light curtain.


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