Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3800: The strongest bump (below)

When Gu Xichun and Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang were besieging Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu also used the power of the purple unicorn arm.

But this time, Xiao Yu was really moving.

Of course, Gu Xichun could also sense that Xiao Yu's monster power this time was indeed very powerful, but he was more confident in his strength and strength!

When he was about to approach the Water Dragon Jiao, Xiao Yu finally punched out.

The wind and thunder were surging, and the countless amount of violent violence showed the strongest aura of Ziqilin.


White cracks began to appear in the space, and then the white cracks appeared and showed a kind of black!

Space rift!

This is the real space rift!

Everyone outside was shaking.

"The core area of ​​the enchantment can withstand the strongest strength. According to our estimation at the time, it will not exceed the later stage of the psychic realm. It seems that their strengths have reached this level." Zifu Academy The elder said solemnly.

Anything that can strike a crack in the outside space has already reached the critical point of a certain space.

Of course, the laws of each plane are different, and all have plane levels.

If the law is weak, it will limit the cultivation of the whole plane's life. Similarly, the weaker the ability to withstand strength.

Xiao Yu knocked out with a fist of his thunderous arm, and collided with the water dragon flooded by Gu Xichun.

Under the cover of countless space cracks, the power of the two collisions has swept out of a range of kilometers.

The entire platform was filled with a storm-like atmosphere, which made people moved.

The people present did not dare to take a breath, and when the storm began to dissipate, the two figures were finally revealed.

I saw that Gu Xichun still had blue power lingering on his body, but it was much dim.

At the same time, Gu Xichun's breath also began to float, and obviously the confrontation just now caused him a lot of consumption.

But when Gu Xichun saw the person in front of him, his face sank suddenly.

The clothes on Xiao Yu's entire arm had been exploded, and otherwise, Xiao Yu had not received any damage.


"He is safe and sound!"

"My God! How is this possible!"

Everyone couldn't believe why Xiao Yu was able to achieve this level.

Just now, it was the energy of Gu Xichun's **** line that used the physical body to hardly touch Gu Xichun! !

The faces of the people at Yunsheng Academy became cold.

But Cangling Academy breathed a sigh of relief.

"This kid's body is really abnormal! But he doesn't seem to specialize in the body!" Ding Qi said with surprise and joy.

Yes, everyone can see that those who dared to rush into Gu Xichun's offensive must be physically tyrannical to a certain extent before daring to do such a thing.

However, what Xiao Yu showed along the way was not pure physical strength!

Even Dai Tianchen had a different attitude towards Xiao Yu.

"It's terrible! Even if it was my cultivation base in the later stage of the psychic realm, I would probably not be his opponent." One person said in awe.

They didn't feel the fighting aura inside, but they could still sense from that kind of energy confrontation that the strength of Xiao Yu and Gu Xichun had reached their peak state in the later stage of the psychic realm.

"Gu Xichun, is your divine mark power just that capable?"


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