Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3801: What is the heritage of the big family!

Xiao Yu stood a few steps and looked at Gu Xichun from a distance.

"You really can't beat Xiaoqiang, it seems that you are qualified to compete with me for this good fortune." Gu Xichun suddenly became calm.

"Hehe, I thought I was the first place in the entrance exam this time, but until you appeared, I ignited my heart to fight."

Xiao Yu stared at this Gu Xichun who had suddenly become calm.

"If I guess right, the power of the **** pattern is not your strongest hole card." Xiao Yu said lightly.

Gu Xichun smiled and said, "Xiao Yu, you are very good, but your life ends here."

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Xichun's eyes suddenly opened, and then he stretched out his hands, and suddenly, his ten fingers ejected ten water vapor.

In the eyes of outsiders, the fighting spirit of Gu Xichun and Xiao Yu was originally very grand, but suddenly, Gu Xichun suddenly released such a small range, even a bit of a "stingy" offensive, which was immediately puzzling.

"What's the matter? At this point in the battle, does Gu Xichun want to kill Xiao Yu with such a small range of moves?"

"No? Is Gu Xichun going to give up?"

Some people don't understand.

However, all the students of Yunsheng College's eyes lit up, especially the elders of Yunsheng College, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "It seems that Gu Xichun is going to make a killer move."

"Ultimate move? What ultimate move?"

Those people began to wonder.

It is the elders of a few students who are all a little puzzled.

Among them, a student from the upper house of Yunsheng College sneered: "Do you think that Gu Xichun's strongest hole card is the power of the gods? That would be wrong! The power of the gods is just one of his cards. Don't forget which family he was born into!"

"Hehe, now is the real thing, Gu Xichun is really going to use a killer move, this kid will definitely die!"

Everyone was amazed, watching the scene in the light curtain.

After Gu Xichun's ten-finger water vapor shot out, it immediately turned into ten water arrows.


The water arrow pierced the void, and countless howling sounds erupted, and it suddenly enveloped Xiao Yu, locking all of Xiao Yu's retreat.

Xiao Yu's pupils shrank slightly, he clearly saw the extremely powerful energy in the ten water vapors.

He seemed to feel something. If he used the power of his flesh to fight again at this time, then he would definitely be pierced with many holes.

Of course, the power of the dragon, and the power of the Buddha, now even the power of the purple unicorn is consumed too much.

Xiao Yu now has fewer cards to use, but it doesn't mean that Xiao Yu has no background.

"Gu Xichun, if you want to kill me with this vapor, then you are too naive!"

Xiao Yu flipped his hand, and the Seven Star Sword immediately started, and four-fifths of the sword body flashed out, a star soul immediately condensed, the stars shone, and ten water vapors immediately blew past.

Gu Xichun's eyes narrowed.

Xiao Yu's many hole cards, even if he saw it, he was very moved.

It is hard to imagine that an unknown boy has such a huge secret in his body.

Along the way, he can be said to have seen Xiao Yu shot all the way, and he has also played against Xiao Yu.

And until this moment, he didn't know how difficult this person was.

The ten water vapors just now are even more powerful than his divine runes, because that is the secret magic and profound art passed down to him by his family!

"Xiao Yu, you are worthy of being my opponent, I will let you see what is the heritage of the big family!!"


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