Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3829: The fish die and the net breaks (part 2)

When many people saw Pengxiu's thorns being broken, and vomiting blood at the same time, it was already.

"It's terrible! This kid won again!"

But Cheng Chuan's expression changed drastically.

The plane hunter is not a good stubble!

They will not give up unless they achieve their goals.

Now that they have been defeated one after another, what will be waiting for Xiao Yu next?

At this time, the **** murderous aura on Xiao Yu's body was burning like water mist, and his eyes stared coldly forward.

Peng Xiu stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Peng Xiu's internal organs were all damaged at this time, but the only thing that didn't change was his consciousness.

His consciousness was formed by the mind derived from his spirit, so even though the physical body was painful, he didn't care about the physical body at all.

He flipped his hand, and a black pill appeared, and he swallowed it immediately.

In an instant, in just a few seconds, his cultivation base was restored to the peak moment just now.

"Hahaha, boy, you are really strong, it's incredible. I believe that if you are outside, your talent potential will definitely attract greater forces in the world to compete, but it's a pity!"

"Do you think that if you can recover your physical body, you can beat me? If I don't kill you once, your consciousness will be weak by three points. If you kill you once, I will kill you twice. If you kill you twice, I Just kill you ten times!!"

Xiao Yu's eyes glowed with murderous intent.

The murderous aura swept across the sky, covering Xiao Yu.

The atmosphere of the killing battlefield condensed again.

"Oops! Can't go on like this!!"

Yanyue had a bad feeling in her heart.

She could use Yanyue Soul-Suppressing Banner to stabilize the space here and Xiao Yu's mind, but it was not omnipotent.

Just like now, in the constant confrontation and consumption, the limit of Yanyue's power is unbearable.

Over time she will be exhausted.

In addition, once the killing power of the Asura clan erupts, it will become more courageous in battle, and at the same time, it will lose its reason.

Xiao Yu's killing intention is so heavy, and the final result in exchange is bound to be another loss of Xiao Yu's mind!

At this moment, Peng Xiu's figure slowly floated up, and he actually volleyed on the ground, his eyes like thunder.

"Boy, thank you so much. Originally, I didn't want to use this trick, but to destroy you."

At this moment, Peng Xiu had an invisible aura swirling around him.

Although Peng's power has recovered to the peak level of the fetal elementary realm, and his consciousness has even been weakened, his confident look on his face shows his absolute confidence as a plane hunter.

"Boy, you don't even know what power is. I am a powerful person in the soul realm, and can control the power of the world. Even this so-called secret realm is good for me. Today, my only task is to kill you!"

Pengxiu closed his eyes, and the aura on his body was constantly hurting.

Originally, he had already reached the fetal element realm, but now, he has made a breakthrough again, reaching the peak of the fetal element realm.


Finally, the area that was stabilized and blessed by the soul-suppressing flag became unstable again.

All the space is turned into countless densely packed tiny fragments.

Peng Xiu is pushing his power to the limit of the secret realm space!

"Boy, use all your strength, you want to kill me, this is the last chance!!" Peng Xiu grinned.



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