Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3830: Burning Jade and Stone (Part 1)

Yanyue's face changed drastically, and she suddenly yelled.

Peng Xiu is guiding Xiao Yu to die with him!

The space is now broken to such a point, if greater power erupts, the space will be completely shattered, and the turbulence of the space will kill Xiao Yu's body!

However, how did Yanyue know that Xiao Yu's fighting intent and killing intent had reached a critical point.

At the same time, in order to know his own life experience and to kill those who framed his own family, how could Xiao Yu give up?

"Really forced! What to do, this kid can no longer be persuaded!" Qiong Qi was also extremely anxious.

They knew that Xiao Yu certainly knew that Peng Xiu wanted to burn with Xiao Yu's jade.

But the problem is, this has no effect on Ponxiu and the others!

The only one affected was Xiao Yu!

"Yanyue, go out." Xiao Yu said suddenly and calmly.

Yanyue's pupils shrank.

"This is my business. For the glory of the family, I must do this, even if I burn with them." Xiao Yu's voice became heavy.

"Why..." Yanyue was a little startled.

"For the so-called non-existent family glory, for the shattered family, is it worth it?" Yanyue asked.

"Nothing is worth it. Some people are alive, he is dead. Some people are dead, but he is still alive. Since fate lets me know my life experience, then I can't hide, since I can't hide, I have nothing but Face it."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu stared at Peng Xiu, his murderous intent swept through his eyes again.

His eyes seemed to be able to shoot out a **** sea god.

"My blood, my consciousness, tell me that there is only one way to die, and that is war!!"

An amazing domineering aura enveloped the entire hall.

At this moment, Xiao Yu was an upright man who regarded death as home.

In order to avenge the dead family, for the glory of the family, even fighting for both losses and burnt jade, the little friends are also willing.

For Xiao Yu, life no longer belongs to him, it belongs to the entire Shura clan!

"Hahaha! So there is a way to die in battle! Boy, you are not a member of the Shura clan. If we are not a relative position, we will definitely recruit you in, but it's a pity..."

"So, in order to respect your opponent, let me see if you are worthy of death!"

Pengxiu laughed three times, his hand spun, and the spear was rising against the storm, spinning rapidly in the air.

The spear is what Pengxiu's power said, but inside the silver hall, it was shrouded in thousands of rays of light, just like daylight.

Ponxiu is also a world-class powerhouse, even if he fought such a situation, he still has his own arrogance.

He is bound to use the strongest blow.

He wants everyone to know that he Ponxiu is a plane hunter, an existence that cannot be contended!

And killing the people of the Shura clan is a kind of glory for him.


The space finally began to break into the past, and countless spatial turbulences began to swarm out in this space.

It is as if the mouse sees the sky again and the devil returns to the world.

These spatial turbulences were originally small whirlpools. After Ponxiu's power broke through the limits of this plane, countless large and small spatial turbulences were destroying wantonly.

At the same time, the entire wreck secret realm immediately became a kind of ruin.


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