Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3832: God pattern activation

The three-faced divine pattern of people, ghosts and gods began to diffuse behind Xiao Yu.

The breath of death enveloped the entire hall.

The phantom of the **** pattern is as large as hundreds of meters, just like a magical vision falling from the sky.

"Sura **** pattern!!" Qiu Guang's pupils shrank.

This is the rumored Shura **** pattern! !

A breath of death and killing five rivals directly acted on their minds.

At this moment, both of them felt as if they were in a hell, even Yanyue was no exception.

Pengxiu's eyes suddenly opened and he laughed: "Hahaha! Asura **** pattern, this is the Asura **** pattern! I finally saw the rumored Asura **** pattern, but you think this can break mine. Offensive?"

"Unexpectedly, when you came to a higher plane, you actually raised the **** pattern to the level of 6th grade. Hahaha, you are a trash!! You also tried to claim that you were the son of Shura!

Yes, Xiao Yu's Divine Mark was originally from the Fourth Grade, but at the moment it broke out, it was promoted to the Sixth Grade by the little friend!

And this level was something Xiao Yu hadn't expected.

Even Qiongqi and Jin Wing Dapeng were shocked.

"It's terrible! The urging of the killing realm power actually raised his **** pattern rank by two levels!!" Qiong Qi took a deep breath.

Xiao Yu's divine mark has been staying at the fourth rank of the earth level for a long time.

But how could they imagine that at this moment Xiao Yu used killing intent to awaken the upgrade of the **** pattern?

The Shura **** pattern is different from any **** pattern in the world.

Don't underestimate that it is only the sixth rank of the prefecture level, and it is not even as good as Gu Xichun's water dragon and dragon **** pattern, but that is the Shura **** pattern!

Xiao Yu was promoted from the human level entirely with his own savvy!

And what you need to know is that Xiao Yu grew up under the pressure of the laws of the lower planes at first.

This kind of difficulty, this kind of potential, is even several times or even ten times higher than that of Gu Xichun!

"I said, you are just a **** of the Shura clan! You can never reach the peak power of the real Shura clan, break it for me!!!"

Peng Xiu roared, and the dazzling thorns finally stopped staying, and quickly assassinated Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu was still so calm, and the three-faced divine pattern behind him was also very quiet, but there was a terrible silence when he came quietly.

The breath that seemed to come from Shura **** suddenly rose, and it seemed to destroy the world.

The monstrous aura of killing can almost destroy all the wasteland.

Suddenly, the ghost image suddenly opened its eyes, and a **** light burst out, covering the entire hall space.

Ghost like open eyes! !

The positive film world has become a world like a sea of ​​blood.

It was almost an instant effort, and the offensive Peng Xiu displayed was destroyed in an instant.

"how is this possible!?"

Pengxiu's face changed wildly, it was terrifying! It's horrible!

He couldn't think of the power of this kind of **** pattern, unexpectedly beyond the scope of his knowledge!

At the same time, the **** energy aura was covering him like crazy.

"not good!!"

At this moment, Peng Xiu finally knew that he was wrong, and he finally understood why all the big families in the world, even his boss, would go all the way to kill the Shura clan!

It is the power of this horror, and the potential of this horror makes people feel terrified! !

Under the spread of blood, a figure suddenly seemed to move in front of Peng Xiu.

Pengxiu's pupils shrank.


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