Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3833: I'm really a disaster star

Peng Xiu couldn't believe that Xiao Yu had come to him in front of him!

This ghost-like figure actually made this plane hunter feel a kind of fear!

Ponxiu has never been as scared as he is today.

His hands were stained with blood, killed countless, took control of one side, and looked down upon countless people, but before this blood-colored figure, this was actually a terrifying color for him.

Above the blood-colored figure, there were two eyes that seemed to eat blood.

I don't know why, Pengxiu has only one thought now, and that is to run away.

Because he knew that this person was too strong, and he could not be his opponent at all!

Just when he had this thought reborn, Xiao Yu's **** palm grabbed his neck and lifted Peng Xiu's whole person.

Pengxiu suddenly felt a suffocation.

He immediately tried to urge his consciousness to crush the space and transmit the jade slip.

Yes, as long as he smashes and transmits the jade slip, then his consciousness can return to his body on another plane.

But who knows, the moment Xiao Yu grabbed his hand, Peng Xiu felt a very strange invisible tentacles immediately seeping into his consciousness, and in an instant, Peng Xiu was unable to stimulate his consciousness.

"how is this possible!?"

Pengxiu showed horror at this time.

"The last time, twenty years ago, what happened."

Xiao Yu was gloomy, and blood-colored murderous intent swept through the sky, making Peng Xiu shudder, and even felt like his liver and guts were cracked.

At this time, Qiongqi and Jin Wing Dapeng were shocked, both of them were silent.

Xiao Yu asked them countless times what happened 20 years ago, but they never told Xiao Yu.

And they knew that this stubborn youth would definitely use his own way to get what he wanted.


At this time, Peng Xiu suddenly laughed wildly and said: "Since you are going to die, I will tell you! Twenty years ago, it was because of you, a disaster star, that your entire Asura tribe fell into death. Middle! Because of you, all the more than 100 people of the Asura clan were killed! It was also because of you that twenty years caused the turmoil of the Nine Heavens World! You are not only the chief culprit of your family, but also the common enemy of the Nine Heavens World! You If you don’t die, the world of Nine Heavens will not be able to look at it!!"


Suddenly, Xiao Yu's mind felt like a bolt from the blue sky, and his whole mind was shaken.

At this moment, Xiao Yu felt that the entire sky was suppressed, giving him a feeling of spinning around.

"How could could it..."

Xiao Yu slowly let go of his hand, and slowly backed away a few steps, his eyes filled with an unbelievable and shocked look.

Even Yanyue in the distance slowly closed her eyes.

From the time she first knew about Xiao Yu's life, she knew that Xiao Yu was no ordinary person.

And she knew even better that when Xiao Yu knew what happened 20 years ago, she would definitely not be able to accept it.

"I am a disaster star, I am really a disaster star..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, his eyes dull, like a walking dead.

At first, when Peng Xiu said that he was a disaster star and that he had killed his family, Xiao Yu didn't believe it, but when he heard this for the second time, some things seemed to be understood.

"I actually killed my family, I..."


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