Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3847: Who is Fan Ziyu

Qiongqi said to himself that the age of the gods is already the age of ancient times, and it's tens of thousands of years since now!

This reminded Xiao Yu again of the lower planes, the cemetery where the gods and demons fought on Yunpeng Island.

"Senior have ever heard of the cemetery of the Great War between Gods and Demons?" Xiao Yu asked suddenly.

"Oh? What place have you been to?" The middle-aged man stared at Xiao Yu, his eyes flashing.

"That cemetery is now in a lower plane, but there is a seal inside, which should have been tens of thousands of years old." Xiao Yu said.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, then sighed, and said, "I didn't expect you to be there! That cemetery is one of the battlefields of the Gods and Demons, and when you came in, you obviously saw a similar scene."

"Yeah." Xiao Yu nodded.

Before entering the main hall, there were also many stone statues. That place was almost exactly the same as the sealed land on Yunpeng Island where he had entered.

"At the time when the gods and demons fought, many gods died. In the end, I was urged by all the power of the demons to transfer my battlefield space to my second world space, so I was lucky to survive."

Hearing this, Xiao Yu suddenly jumped in shock.

In other words, starting from the stone bridge to the space behind the Demon God Hall, this is the ancient battlefield where this middle-aged man fought against the Demon God! ?

"But it's a pity. From that time on, I was badly injured. In the end, I could only hide next to a certain plane and stay in retreat for thousands of years. Until recently, someone started to bother me. It happened that I could use them to help me. Find a suitable inheritor of good fortune."

Xiao Yu and Yanyue seemed to realize it suddenly.

Back then, the middle-aged man also moved the battlefield he was on to his second world space.

But because of this, his vitality was severely injured, his body fell, and this remnant consciousness remained.

The certain plane mentioned in the middle-aged population is the plane of Wandering Continent.

And he said that until recently someone started to disturb, these people are from the five major temples.

"So, senior..." Yanyue suddenly thought of something.

Middle-aged humanity: "Yes, the reason why I wake up is because my disability is about to dissipate. Otherwise, how can a few human beings find my second world?"

"But before that, there was a guy who found my place. His secret technique is very powerful. In your current words, he should be the so-called mighty one." The middle-aged man said in a deep moment.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath. The Mighty One had also looked for this place?

"But he also left later and didn't come back." The middle-aged man added.

Naturally, Xiao Yu didn't know that the person mentioned by the Demon God's Demon God was the leader of the plane hunter.

However, Xiao Yu also understood some of the connections.

And Xiao Yu naturally thought of a name and asked: "Then senior, do you know Fan Ziyu?"

"Fan Ziyu!"

When the middle-aged people heard this name, they turned out to have the same reaction as Qiongqi had heard.

Immediately, the middle-aged man's eyes condensed, looking at Xiao Yu, and said, "It seems that you also met him in that ancient battlefield! Did he give you something?"

Xiao Yu was surprised that this middle-aged man knew so clearly.

However, Xiao Yu didn't hide it. He shook his head a little and said, "At that time I also obtained the only good fortune in that place, but this good fortune has not been realized until now."


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