Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3848: Do you dare to ask

At that time Xiao Yu gained the final good fortune on Yunpeng Island, but this good fortune Fan Ziyu did not directly give Xiao Yu, saying that he wanted to understand it by himself.

But the good fortune of this comprehension has remained silent until now.

Xiao Yu even wondered if this was a lie.

After all, he defeated the genius children of the five sects, and finally reached that point with such a hard fight, but what about good luck?

There is not even a shadow.

"Haha, in this way, you are the one destined." The middle-aged man looked at Xiao Yu, with an inexplicable smell in his eyes.

Yanyue next to her was naturally confused. She naturally couldn't understand what Xiao Yu and the middle-aged were talking about.

"Since Fan Ziyu chose you, then one day your good fortune will be honored, and it's not time yet." The middle-aged man said meaningfully.

Although Xiao Yu probably guessed this answer, he always felt that the middle-aged man seemed to have not told himself something.

"Boy, just die this heart, you'll know it then," said Qiongqi too.

Xiao Yu shook his head inwardly, as expected, this was almost the same as what Qiongqi had said to him at the time.

However, the middle-aged man couldn't help but glanced at Xiao Yu and said, "Boy, it seems that you have a lot of good fortune adventures, two fierce beasts, blood of the dragon race, and the thing that killed those two guys in the end ."

This man is indeed a god!

Even if it is a thought, it is possible to know so much under such easy induction!

But it was still the previous idea, since it was in this space, I was afraid that there was nothing to hide from him.

"But these secrets about you must be kept secret, otherwise with your current strength, you will be chased and killed everywhere, and your ten lives are not enough." The middle-aged man shook his head slightly.

Obviously, with regard to Xiao Yu's current situation, even if a middle-aged person had been out of touch with the outside for so long, he could still guess how dangerous Xiao Yu was.

"Thanks to Senior for the point, even if there are any difficulties ahead, I am not afraid! I must become stronger!" Xiao Yu said with a nod.

Now that he and Xiao Qing have already had a conversation, it can be said that Xiao Yu's fighting spirit has risen to another level.

Therefore, he now has many things to do and many things to do, so Xiao Yu will not die easily.

The middle-aged man glanced at Xiao Yu with some appreciation, and even Yanyue seemed to be infected.

After all, although I have not known Xiao Yu for a long time, Xiao Yu's every move, and the enthusiasm that burst out in the battle, made people feel refreshed.

Especially let Yanyue clearly know what kind of person Xiao Yu is.

Yanyue's attitude of not being afraid of life and death, courage to take risks, and even daring to fight against the earth, left a deep impression on Yanyue.

"Hehe, boy, you are very good, you are also qualified to get this good fortune of mine. But I want to tell you clearly the fact that this good fortune of mine is the cultivation of good fortune, do you dare to ask it?"

In fact, at the beginning, no one knew that this deity came from a demon god, but Xiao Yu didn't know this kind of good fortune until later.

But even when the middle-aged man's voice sounded in the hall, he still decided to look for this good fortune.

After all, this good fortune is hard to come by!

And in any case, even if he is not specializing in the magic way, then this good fortune still belongs to him.

"It seems that you have some misunderstandings about our demons." The middle-aged man shook his head gently.


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