Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3906: One trick is one trick

Obviously, Guo Xuandan was irritated by Xiao Yu's sarcasm.

With a grip of five fingers, countless spiritual powers burst out of his body.

"I want a trick to destroy you!!"

Even an existence of the same level as Guo Xuandan didn't dare to say that one move could defeat him.

But this guy unexpectedly said a trick to get him!

How can this make him stand?

Feeling the rising aura of Guo Xuandan's body, the fighting spirit in Xiao Yu's blood was also ignited.

"If you think it is impossible, in the eyes of others, it is not impossible."

The purple unicorn bones on Xiao Yu's arm flickered, and a breath of incomparably domineering power permeated.

At the same time, on Xiao Yu's arm, there was a faint light of lightning lingering.

The purple light began to flicker, and there was a feeling of thunder in the air, which made people's soul beating slightly.


Before he knew it, Xiao Yu's arm swelled unconsciously, directly rising by three points against the storm.

This scene surprised everyone in the audience.

Even Elder Zhang, his pupils shrank.

He was of the elder rank and his strength was good. Of course, he could feel that the purple energy aura in Xiao Yu was full of domineering, unmatched, and even a very sacred aura.

Yes, Xiao Yu chose to use the power of the purple unicorn.

He wanted to make an absolute blow with absolute power to defeat his opponent.

Earth-shaking changes had taken place in Xiao Yu's temperament.

At this moment, he was like the God of War who killed thousands of enemies on the battlefield.

With long hair flying, clothes and clothes linked together, at this moment, that kind of constantly rising warfare intent was simply showing Xiao Yu's strongest state vividly and vividly.

Feeling the breath on Xiao Yu's body, Guo Xuandan couldn't help but change his face.

how is this possible! ?

Obviously he is stronger than the opponent, but why does he have such a feeling of being suppressed?

Guo Xuandan's eyes showed a cold look.

Xiao Yu said indifferently, "I said, one trick is one trick."

This was the second time that the words had appeared, and the surrounding people broke out again in an uproar.

Tang Linger smiled sweetly when he saw this scene.

"Unexpectedly, this guy has become so domineering and confident."

After listening to Guo Xuandan, he furiously said, "Xiao Yu, you are looking for death!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Guo Xuandan yelled, and then he punched out.

His fist style suddenly turned into palm strength, and countless white lights began to gather.

Immediately afterwards, these white lights condensed and turned into a hundred-meter long rainbow.

Changhong is like a purple qi coming from the east, flowing clouds and flying sleeves, suddenly swung out


Earth-level spirituality, clouds fly in the sky!

At this moment, the war intent in Xiao Yu's eyes burst out again, and some purple light flashed by vaguely.

The power of the purple unicorn is to use the bones of the purple unicorn, not the power of the fetal elementary realm.

But precisely because of this, Xiao Yu looked like an ancient murderer.

Xiao Yu's three-pointer arm began to blast out, and purple lightning condensed. At the same time, some purple light from his body rose to the sky, and there was a faint shadow of a monster beast on it.

"This is... the power of monsters!?"


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