Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3908: Killer stick

The audience suddenly became quiet, almost all of them looked at Xiao Yu with incredible eyes.

The silent atmosphere seemed to make people unable to hear even their own breathing.

Elder Zhang narrowed his eyes, obviously he didn't expect Xiao Yu to be so powerful.

As for Qing Mingxin in the distance, his eyes drenched, and a cold light flashed, and several people around them also showed stunned expressions.

Not to mention the other Grade C students, how full of shock was that color.

This is a complete difference!

The early stage of the fetal yuan realm actually defeated the early stage of the first spirit realm!

And they could clearly see that Xiao Yu's domineering fist style was simply unstoppable.

Even if they had placed Xiao Yu in a high position because of Xiao Yu's various incidents, at most they would have a fierce confrontation with Guo Xuandan, and then be defeated within a few rounds or ten rounds.

But who can think of it?

With just a punch, Guo Xuandan couldn't survive it.

Before and after, Guo Xuandan broke out three moves to resist!

But they were all destroyed like a broken bamboo!

The most incredible thing is that Guo Xuandan actually suffered internal injuries!

Of course, they could feel that Guo Xuandan's last protective pendant must have good defensive capabilities.

But it was broken by Xiao Yu!

This didn't shock them. What was even more shocking was that this kind of profound background, while breaking through the defensive cover, even carried a kind of energy to beat the oxen, directly injuring Guo Xuandan's internal organs!

Even Elder Zhang felt surprised at this young man in his heart.

This kind of strength and combat talent can be compared to ordinary so-called talented students?

At this moment, Elder Zhang, Qing Mingxin and other second-class students doubted their previous thoughts.

Perhaps, this kid really relied on his strength to kill Gu Xichun!

The tranquil atmosphere also lasted for a long while, and was finally broken by a sound.

"Brother Niuahyu, you won!!" Luo Feng ran over quickly, his expression very excited.

Yes, Xiao Yu won, not by the sidelines, it was an absolute power.

Guo Xuandan clutched his chest, his face was very gloomy and ugly at this time.

When he raised his head again, the look in Xiao Yu's eyes turned out to be jealous.

In his opinion, if this person is a little harder, wouldn't he be a dead place?

Among the people present, except for the group of Qing Mingxin who had just returned from a mission, Guo Xuandan had the highest strength.

There were no Class A students present.

Therefore, many people have bitter tongues for the defeat of Guo Xuandan, an elite student.

They wanted to use Guo Xuandan's hand to frustrate Xiao Yu's spirit, but they did not succeed in dismounting the horse, and instead gave people a brutal blow.

"Brother Yu, the power of your monster beast is too powerful, at least these are all the monster beasts of the sky list?" Luo Feng asked excitedly.


The people around took a breath.

Among the five great temples, the method of refining the body of the monster beast of the earth list is extremely rare, let alone the method of refining the body of the monster beast of the sky list!

It is extremely rare among the five great temples!

What adventure does this man have?

Xiao Yu smiled, and did not speak.

I won't tell you that this is more powerful than the method of refining the body of the Tianban monster beast.

But only Elder Zhang, his eyes were uncertain, the color of indifference flashed away.

"Have you taken it?"


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