Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3945: Growing young eagle

On the way.

Bu Yun slowed down, he was waiting for someone, and then Cheng Chuan also came, with a low face.

"Chengchuan, what do you think of this matter?" Bu Yun asked.

Cheng Chuan shook his head slightly and said, "The less people know about Xiao Yu's identity, the better, and you and I must be psychologically prepared."

"Are those plane hunters?" Bu Yun asked.

"Well, the two were killed, there must be some movement inside them." Cheng Chuan said worriedly.

Bu Yun seemed to have some disagreements, and said: "Although they are strong, this is our Cangling Academy. You know, Cangling Academy has always had a great array of gods, and ordinary people dare not come here. The leader of the country, you have to weigh it, Chengchuan, are you too worried?"

Cheng Chuan seemed to relax slightly when said by Bu Yun.

"I think you were a little bit overwhelmed after you came back. What happened?" Bu Yun asked.

"I don't know, I can't tell you. I guarded the space channel for so many years. For the first time, it made me feel unfamiliar with space, even a kind of danger. I always feel that something is going to happen in this space."

Bu Yun patted Chengchuan on the shoulder and said, "Old, relax. I know that Xiao Yu has shocked you too much. If I were on the scene, I must have reacted like you. But I can feel, Xiao Yu's heart is for good, otherwise, I wouldn't teach him the Buddhism Holy Dharma, just to overcome his murderous nature."

"What's more, although our Cangling Academy is in decline, there is still a three-point nail in the bad boat. Is it because Xiao Yu's identity, I will ignore his talent?"

"What you said is correct, but you have to know how exactly the enemies of the Asura clan are, I am afraid..."

Bu Yun looked at the blue and broad sky and said calmly: "What you have to know is that since it is an eagle, we will never be able to restrain him. What we can do is to make his wings fuller. This is not what we do. Is it the teacher's responsibility?"

Cheng Chuan nodded and also looked up to the sky.

They seemed to see a young eagle slowly growing and leaving many traces in the sky.


After Xiao Yu came out of the stone room, he also quietly returned to his own Black Flame Peak from the library.

On the way, Xiao Yu's heart seemed to be still stuck in the sealing technique just now.

The help of Tianmu Branch certainly made Xiao Yu feel strange, but it can be said that he was already quite familiar.

What made Xiao Yu even more concerned was that in the middle of the journey, there was a strange route in his mind.

And this route was the blueprint that entered Xiao Yu's mind.

What shocked Xiao Yu the most was that this line was worth a certain direction of the academy.

Xiao Yu stopped, looked in a certain direction of the college, and narrowed his eyes.

"What the **** is this?"

Xiao Yu became curious in his heart, but shortly afterwards, Xiao Yu felt a tired posture coming from his whole body.

He put the matter aside for now and went back to rest first.

After returning home, Xiao Yu was almost too much to eat.

"what happened?"

Tang Ling'er walked downstairs as if he sensed Xiao Yu's return, and then saw Xiao Yu's return, her face pale, her breath floating.

"No, it's just a bit exhausting. Just recover." Xiao Yu gave a strong laugh.

Tang Linger didn't speak, and when he flipped his hand, a small white jade bottle appeared.

"Drink it."

"Huh? What's inside?"

"Don't ask, drink quickly." Tang Linger said.

Xiao Yu opened it, and then a very strong fragrance came out, his eyes lit up, he didn't speak, and he poured it down.

As soon as the liquid in this jade bottle entered Xiao Yu's body, Xiao Yu's meridians began to be filled with a powerful force, and at the same time his mind and spirit were immediately restored.

"A violent thing! Isn't this the heart-refining soul quenching liquid?"


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