Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3946: Soul Refining Liquid

Refining the soul quenching liquid is a very expensive heaven and earth spiritual object. It is the strength of the Three Spirit Realm. As long as one drop is taken, it can restore the completely exhausted spiritual power to its peak state, not to mention, Xiao Yu is still in the Three Spirit Realm now?

When the Soul Refining Quenching Liquid first entered Xiao Yu's body, Xiao Yu only felt that his spirit and energy had been filled with a powerful force.

And this is only the most obvious and initial effect.

Immediately afterwards, what Xiao Yu did not expect was that the Lianxin Quenching Liquid suddenly exploded with terrifying energy, which directly impacted Xiao Yu's fetal origin.

The fetal yuan that was originally suspended quietly began to surge frantically.

Suddenly, he was charged by the terrifying torrent.


Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of vigor in Xiao Yu's body, and Xiao Yu's eyes immediately shot out two ray of light.

The middle stage of the fetal element!

He, who had already touched the middle stage of the fetal yuan realm cultivation base, was directly promoted by a level after swallowing these liquids!

This made Xiao Yu extremely surprised.

"What is the soul tempering liquid?" Xiao Yu asked in his heart.

Xiao Yu's cries of exclamation just now clearly surprised Xiao Yu, but this thing can turn his soul into a state of being exhausted and full. Isn't this shocking?

"As long as you know, this thing is very difficult for us at that time," said Qiongqi.

"This girl just took out the Refining Soul Quenching Liquid, it seems that the identity is really not simple!" Jin Wing Dapeng was also surprised.

Immediately afterwards, to Xiao Yu's surprise, the energy in his fetal body began to fill up, forming a state of extremes.

Together with his meridians and all the bones and internal organs, it seems that they have formed a full state.

However, the Soul Refining Liquid that he drank just now seemed to have a lot of energy, and then it escaped from his body surface.

Xiao Yu looked at Tang Ling'er in surprise.

The latter said calmly: "It looks like you have recovered, so good."

That's good?

What Xiao Yu had just absorbed was only one tenth of it!

The other nine tenths disappeared!

This is not ordinary energy!

Because if it is ordinary energy, if it reaches a certain level in filling the body, it will break the body.

But obviously, Xiao Yu's body was not damaged in any way.

The energy just dissipated.

Now when Xiao Yu recalled it, his heart felt a pain.

No wonder what Qiongqi said is violent!

Xiao Yu smiled bitterly: "Why didn't you say it earlier, let me make good use of it!"

Tang Linger said indifferently: "I thought you were going to die."

Xiao Yu was stunned, although it was still very painful, but there was some warmth.

Tang Ling'er obviously didn't care about three or seven twenty one just now, and the biggest goal was to recover herself as soon as possible!

"What did you do just now?" Tang Linger asked with frowned brows.

Although she had not grown up with Xiao Yu for a long time, Tang Linger rarely saw Xiao Yu's consumption like this.

Xiao Yu didn't conceal it, and told Tang Linger the ins and outs of the 15-10 map paper.

"Don't take this risk next time, go and rest quickly." Tang Linger said, and went upstairs first.

What Xiao Yu didn't notice was that Tang Linger's dark green pupils actually showed some doubts, and then disappeared quickly.

Xiao Yu looked at the empty jade bottle, still a little coveted.

"No matter, leave it alone for now."


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