Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3947: Evolutionary small shift

That night.

In the second world space.

With the help of the sixth soul power as a springboard, Xiao Yu unexpectedly gained a little understanding of the power of the law of space.

At this time, Qiongqi and Golden Winged Dapeng also appeared in the second world space.

Although this space did not possess any legal power, it was controlled by Xiao Yu, so he could summon two ancient fierce beasts at will.

The Golden Winged Roc has turned into a thirty-year-old man in a golden robe, an invincible young man.

And Qiongqi is a middle-aged man in a black and red robe.

This is the human form of two fierce beasts, this is the second time Xiao Yu has seen it.

"Qingqi, you come and give me a punch and try your best." Xiao Yu said.

"Do your best?" Qiongqi raised his brow.

"Boy, don't you think I've been eating and waiting to die in your body?" Qung Qi coldly snorted.

When Qiongqi cooperated with Xiao Yu on the lower planes, he promised to teach Xiao Yu the secret method of Tao Yun and then help him in his cultivation.

As a condition, Xiao Yu's body would become a place for Qiongqi to live.

After all, Qiongqi has been in the lower plane for so many years, his strength has been suppressed, and there are many enemies, so he must have a backer to go to the higher plane.

Although Xiao Yu's backing is not strong, Sheng Zai will not arouse people's doubts, and he can have enough time to grow.

In the middle of the journey, Qiongqi had also fallen asleep, but until now, Qiongqi's strength has actually reached the level of the second realm in the Three Spirit Realm-the Void Spirit Realm.

Xiao Yu can defeat the middle stage of the First Spirit Realm, but Qiongqi is the Void Spirit Realm!

"It's okay, come!" Xiao Yu's eyes were solemn.

"It seems that there is a lot of confidence!"

Qiongqi's eyes also narrowed.

"Then I will come."

As soon as the voice fell, Qiongqi held his five fingers, and in an instant, a crimson force began to condense.

This crimson power is the iconic power of Qiongqi, the same color as the scales on the surface of his physical body.


Sure enough, Qiong Qi didn't have any spare energy, and he shot out with a punch, and the space actually buzzed slightly.

That punch was like a huge whirlpool, and it suddenly shook down.


The Primordial Spirit Tree not far away seemed to be shaken by the storm of this energy, and it directly bent over.

As an ancient beast, Qiongqi's power and speed are no joke.

The ancient and ferocious aura seemed to be crushing towards Xiao Yu like a big mountain.

"What is this kid doing?!"

Seeing that Qiongqi's whirlpool fist was about to approach, Xiao Yu showed no sign of moving.

And at this moment, a very strange energy aura permeated Xiao Yu's body.

Although this kind of energy breath is not very big, but it gives people a kind of unpredictable feeling.

"The power of the law of space!" Jin Wing Dapeng narrowed his eyes.

In the next moment, Xiao Yu finally moved.

At the moment when Qiongqi's fist was about to strike, Xiao Yu's figure disappeared in place inexplicably.


With a punch from Qiongqi, a strange wave spread out in the space ten meters away from Qiongqi, and then Xiao Yu's figure appeared there!

"It's done! My little movement technique can finally dodge higher level attacks!"


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