Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3967: Challenge Cloud Winged Wolf (Part 2)

The audience was shocked again.

The beast arena was originally a battle between monsters and beasts, but Xiao Yu actually said that he would use human strength to fight against monsters!

This is something I have never done before!

Du Jun was slightly startled when he heard that, Xiao Yu was crazy! ?

Although he was not himself in the fight with the Cloud Winged Wolf just now, he was able to sense the feeling of the Jade Bird at the same time.

The cloud-winged wolf has the level of a virtual spirit realm!

Xiao Yu is just a middle stage fetal elementary realm!

How can this be countered?


Sure enough, both Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu were taken aback.

"Xiao Yu is really crazy!?" Sima Kou seemed to think he had misheard.

They thought just now that with Xiao Yu's talent potential, even with a monster beast partner, the bloodline might not be too weak.

How could I think that Xiao Yu was actually going to fight Cloud Winged Wolf by himself.

Bu Jingming's eyes were full of smiles. At this time, he was not angry at all. Instead, with a kind of contempt and sarcasm, he smiled: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Set Jingming suddenly felt that things became fun.


The human cloud-winged wolf roared, his eyes full of disdain.

Such a human being with only the fetal elementary realm said to challenge himself?

He is a monster with the bloodline of the local ranks. What a human being is, it is beyond his own control.

"Of course I am sure, otherwise, why would you be convinced to let me take these five hundred flint stones?"

In front of so many people, Xiao Yu didn't avoid it in the slightest. This was obviously not giving face to the scene.

Bu Jingming's coldness towards Xiao Yu became even stronger.

"Xiao Yu, no!" Du Jun said quickly.

This is simply too risky, the Cloud Winged Wolf is two realms stronger than Xiao Yu!

And it's still the bloodline of the ranking!

"It's okay, you take these five hundred flint stones." Xiao Yu handed over Du Jun's cloth bag, his expression calm.

"Xiao Yu!" Du Jun called out again, frowning, motioning him not to be impulsive.

Although he and Xiao Yu had not known each other for long, he admired Xiao Yu's talent and his courage very much.

Otherwise, he would not win Xiao Yu into his team in Wan Beast Tower that day.

It is a fact that his own blue blood bird lost, Xiao Yu stood up, the main reason was to fight the injustice for him!

If Xiao Yu was injured because of this, how could he get away with it?

"Du Jun, they are still the main peak disciples, so they are naturally responsible for the decisions they have said and made, so you should not interfere too much." Pang Kaiyu said lightly.

"That is, since this kid is so confident, let him try."

"Yeah, don't waste this kid's thoughts."

The children of Cangling City watched this scene with a smile.

Someone gave Set Jingming a head to help Cloud Winged Wolf get through. Why not do it?

Moreover, this can also be used by Bu Jingming's hand to teach this kid who knows nothing.

Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu shook their heads, and they couldn't take it anymore.

Xiao Yu completely ignored these ridicules.

"Senior Brother Du, go down and watch me avenge you." Xiao Yu grinned, his smile seemed a little weird.

Although Du Jun was reluctant, he also knew that Xiao Yu had no way to turn his head. He could only walk aside, and when he left, he urged heavily: "Be careful."

Xiao Yu looked at the cloud-winged wolf, and the blood in his heart secretly rose.

"It looks like this little guy can let me temper the dragon pile, right?"


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