Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3968: Battle of the Colosseum (Part 1)

Outsiders only thought that Xiao Yu was taking the lead for Du Jun, so he was so adventurous, but how did they know that Xiao Yu actually wanted to temper the dragon pile more!

"Boy, you have to be careful, this cloud-winged wolf is not a joke, not to mention, you can't use the dragon's blood power to breathe." Qiongqi said with a smile.

Yes, Xiao Yu hadn't planned to use the aura of dragon clan power since he planned to fight.

Because if you really use that power aura, you can weaken the strength of the monster beast, which of course can increase Xiao Yu's capital against the monster beast, but that is meaningless.

Because Xiao Yu wanted to fight the monster beasts to stimulate his own vitality of the dragon-suppressing pile, this must be based on real combat power.

Otherwise, with Xiao Yu's current control of the dragon bloodline power, even the top ten monster beasts on the earth list would have a way to suppress aura power.

Last time on the Tengyuan mainland was the best example.

Otherwise, with Xiao Yu's realm of strength at that time, how could it be possible to break through the siege of many high-ranking monsters, and even the besieged monsters?

"Don't worry, I just felt that although this cloud winged wolf hides its strength, its strength is forcibly promoted. In other words, it can only be blessed for a short time and cannot last."

"That's the way to say that, the kind of method that girl said is not wrong, but that evil animal always has the cultivation base of a higher-level monster, it is still the virtual spirit realm of your human beings, and you have to face him."

"Fortunately, it's not the last state of the Three Spirit Realm. That's really choking, but it's just enough for me to practice." Xiao Yu's eyes brightened slightly, and his fighting spirit began to rise.

Xiao Yu immediately looked at Fu Jingming and said in his heart: Are you trying to suppress me? Then I'll just kill it!

"Boy, I have to admire your courage, but if you are a scholar, you must have capital." Set Jingming said indifferently.

"I don't know what capital is not capital, I only know, I won, will your 500 flint bet be handed over?" Xiao Yu smiled faintly.

"I can't help myself! Want to try to win Cloud Winged Wolf?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid this kid is tired of life, and Cloud Winged Wolf won't let him go."

The native students in Cangling City were disdainful.

Set Jingming smiled faintly, and said: "Since my integrity is so good in your heart, of course my words count."

There is a kind of ironic effect in this remark, which is a response to Xiao Yu's previous satirical ridicule of Fu Jingming's untrustworthiness.

Fu Jingming was forced not to take Du Jun's bet because he had the first word.

And this time, in the face of Xiao Yu, he certainly wouldn't break his promise to an opponent he looked down upon at all, but instead laughed at Xiao Yu's overweight.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "In that case, then..."

At this moment, Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with golden light, and at the same time, an extremely powerful qi and blood power in his body rose to the sky.

This kind of blood power is extremely terrifying, that is, people hundreds of meters away feel a strong heat wave on their faces.

The cloud-winged wolf's eyes suddenly changed.

It is true that Xiao Yu did not use the power and breath of the dragon race to suppress the bloodline of the cloud-winged wolf, but it is undeniable that Xiao Yu's physical power is pure to the extreme, and is a very high-level monster body-building method. !

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of body refining method!!"


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